Page 23 of Twisted Hunger

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I shove past her. "Like you give a shit. I don't know why they are calling you anyway… I'm an adult now."

"Then start acting like it, Ryan." She couldn't stop there, though. "Just imagine what your father would think if he was here!"

I spin on my mother and shoot daggers at her with my eyes. "Don't you dare mention my father! You lost that right when you chose yourself over your child!"


My mother calls after me as I hurry down the stairs, but when I reach the bottom, I slam into a hard wall of muscle. Hands grip my arms to stop me from falling back, and when I look up, it's to gaze into dark brown eyes. His cologne wraps around my senses like the last few times he's been near me.

"Bain… I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"

He cuts me off. "Your mother has been worried about you, Ryan."

I scoff, "She hasn't worried about me for three years. I doubt she would now."

He tilts his head as he still holds me in his grasp. "You don't really believe that do you?"

I don't want to flip my bitch switch on him because he seems like a nice guy, so I take a few deep breaths first. "Listen, Bain. You haven't been around, so you don't know how our relationship is behind closed doors. I've been taking care of myself for too many years without any help from her. She hasn't been around—"

"She's a nurse, Ryan. She spends hours caring for others to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. She's struggled, too, but have you noticed?" Bain's voice isn't patronizing or condescending, but it does get me to stop and examine his last question. Bain's mouth grows into a soft smile when my forehead creases. "Maybe it's time that the two of you really sit down and talk."

I hear my mother coming down the stairs, and Bain's thumbs caress the skin on my upper arms softly before he drops his arms and steps away. Not being able to take my eyes off the handsome man, they soak up every inch of his face before he looks over my shoulder, and his smile widens at my mother.

"Lacey, sweetheart." He moves around me, dismissing me completely. "I'm going to head to the office. Why don't you and Ryan spend the day together? I think you both need it."

Something in his voice has me wanting to do as he asks. It's no different with my mother as I turn and see the smile on her face while she nods. "Yes, I think that would be nice."

I watch as he takes my mother's chin and tilts it upwards. He whispers something close to her ear, making her blush, before pressing his lips to hers. I've never seen my mother like this. Even with my father, whom I know she loved with all her heart, I had never seen this look of adoration that she seems to be giving to Bain. I don't know how to feel about it.

Suddenly, Bain turns to me and takes my chin, like he did my mother's, but not as intimately as hers. He grins down into my eyes and, in a slightly amused tone, says, "Be a good girl, and talk with your mother."

It's all I can do not to cream my pants from how he delivers those simple words, but luckily, I can contain my body's response to it. However, it's unfathomable why I utter those two little words, "Yes, Sir," in reply.

He winks at me as his smile widens, then he's gone.

An awkward silence fills the foyer area after Bain leaves. I'm not sure if she's waiting for me to start like I'm waiting for her to do the same, but when the silence stretches, I scoff and head to the door myself. I don't have time to stand around here. I need to go let off some steam before this growing tension in my chest explodes.

"Where are you going, Ryan?" my mother asks with a bit of annoyance.

"I had planned on going for a run before you came home. Since you have nothing to say, I'm leaving." I know I shouldn't be a bitch like I am, but damn it, that irritability that I thought I was done with is rearing its head once more.

"Oh, I have plenty to say." My mom crosses her arms before her. "I think you do, too! Care to tell me why you haven't been at school all week?"

"That's a lie." I mimic her stance. "I was at school on Monday."

"Don't be a smartass, Ryan." She glares at me, so I roll my eyes and walk into the living room, where I throw myself on the couch. "Start talking, young lady!"

Resting my head back against the cushion, I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to formulate the words about to come out of my mouth. If I want to get clean, I need to talk to her. Is that one of those steps that they take at AA meetings? It's not like I'm really wanting to just yet, but I know Beau will not let up on me. Besides, if he's going to be stalking me, I might as well find a different vice. Maybe I'll take up drinking instead.

Sighing, I look my mother straight in the eye. "I've been detoxing."

Her brows knit together. "Detoxing? What do you mean?"

"Oh please, don't stand there and tell me you're going to play dumb. You said the other day that I'm a junkie, so I'm trying to get clean," I say and turn my head. A sting forms in the corners of my eyes. I never realized how much admitting that about myself would hurt.

"I never called you a junkie, Ryan," she snaps.

"Well, accusing me of pawning off diamond studs to score is pretty much the same thing," I inform her with a sneer.
