Page 25 of Twisted Hunger

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He nods, not even letting me finish my sentence. "Yes. I had to make sure you were okay. When I saw you pass out, I took you home and returned."

He doesn't need to finish the rest because I already know what he did, and by the angry look on his face, I think it's best not to talk about it. I want to thank him for ensuring I was okay, yet it still upsets me that he beat Brock's ass and made my friend think I sent him. So instead, I remain silent, and we sit together, watching the toddlers play, and their mothers enjoy another mother's company. Maybe we can be friends if he genuinely is sincere about it, but only time will tell. I am open to anything at this point.


"So, do you want to talk about it?" Beau asks without looking at me.

"Not really. I'm just trying to figure shit out with my mom, is all. You've given me way too much shit to think about," I scoff and glance at him.

"Me? What did I do?" His brows come together as my words confuse him.

"You made me get clean," I simply state. "I know I still have a long road until I'm out of the woods, but you've done enough that my head isn't in a fog, and I'm starting tofeel again."

"There is nothing wrong with feeling, Ryan…"

"There is when all you feel is pain." I look down at my feet and the well-worn chucks I threw on before I left.

"I'm hoping that we can change that. Not everything has to cause you pain, and I'll tell you now that it won't come from me anymore," he says, but to be honest, I still find it hard to believe, and I accidentally let a slight scoff slip. "What?" Beau asks.

"Sorry, it slipped," I tell him.

"But it slipped for a reason, and I want to know why." He isn't angry. If anything, he seems hurt by it.

Sighing, I figure it's best to lay it all out. "What happens come Monday and I go to school. You still have little minions that love to tease me and let us not forget about Ashlyn."

"Ryan." My name comes out of his mouth with a sigh. "There isn't anything between me and Ashlyn, I swear."

"Pssh, you may want to tell her that," I say, rolling my eyes. "You both seemed pretty into each other when making out against my car."

"Are you jealous?" Beau chuckles.

"Honestly, no, but I feel a bit sick knowing that your lips have been on mineafter they were on that bitch's mouth." I hate that I show this side of me. I never used to be so hateful towards people.

"I'm sorry for that, Ryan. I was trying to make you jealous. The truth is, I haven't dated anyone in two years because they could never come close to you." If he thinks this cheesy line will work on me, he can think again.

"What is it about me that has you so infatuated? I mean, and I'm not saying this to hurt you, but you have been adick to me. Nobody treats people they like that way." I think it's a logical question. He keeps saying things like this, yet he's never shown an ounce of mercy toward me.

"You're right, I was a dick, and I will forever try to make it up to you. I'll start on Monday," he states. "Let me pick you up and drive you to school. We can walk in together; nobody will dare say anything to you."

"Won't they think we are together then?" I ask hesitantly.

Beau shrugs. "Does it matter if they do?"

"Well, yeah." I stand and face him. "I don't know what this is or what you are doing, Beau. I can barely wrap my head around it, so I don't want people thinking something is going on…"

"Hey," he says soothingly, grabbing my hand. "It's okay. We don't have to show up together. I'm not going to rush you, Ryan." His grin slowly grows. "But a guy can at least try, can't he?"

His dimples poke out, and I can't stop the smile on my lips. "You are incorrigible."

We just stare at one another briefly before he speaks again. "You know, Ryan, I think you're the only girl who isn't impressed by my good looks and money. I think that's what draws me to you… You're just different."

I gawk at him. "Aren't we conceited just a little bit," I tease.

"You know what I mean," Beau snickers.

"You're right; looks and money don't impress me. There isn't much that actually does these days," I answer him honestly.

"And that, right there, is why I want to make you mine, Ryan." He stands and cups my cheek before slowly bringing his lips to mine.
