Page 26 of Twisted Hunger

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He takes his time, allowing me to reject him, but I don't want to. Not right now, anyway. I let him kiss me in the middle of a park. Granted, we are more towards the back of the park, but it's still public. I just don't care what people think. I haven't for some time, so why would I start now?

I spent the weekend with my mom. Saying that it was a bit awkward initially would be putting it mildly, but we were at least trying. She finally took me shopping for new clothes like she said she would for my birthday. It was a good day, and we both finally began to relax. When she got called into work on Sunday, I was okay with it, knowing that she would have rather chilled at home with me and watched Netflix while eating some Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

Beau didn't come around at all, and when I texted him Sunday afternoon, he said he was stuck with his father. Something about getting fitted or something like that; he didn't seem real happy about it. So, I chilled by myself, and it wasn't all that bad. Not once did I get a craving for X, and I think it's because I am at peace at the moment.

Come Monday, I drive myself to school, but Beau is waiting for me. Just as I pull up, a couple rows away, I see Ashlyn skip up to Beau and throw her arms around him. He's annoyed; the look on his face says as much. I sit back and watch the exchange as he pulls her arms away from him. I can't hear what they are saying, but Ashlyn looks pissed.

However, instead of walking away, she grabs his hand, and from where I'm sitting, it looks like she is pleading with him. I could be a total bitch and record this childish show, but I'm above that. I'll just have to settle on watching it from here. After a few minutes, Beau finally yanks his hand away and, to my disbelief, starts heading toward my car.

Oh please…no, no, no…don't do it, Huntley!

I watch, frozen in horror, as Beau walks straight to my car, fucking grinning from ear to ear.I'm going to kill him…I'm going to fucking kill him! I think as I look back at Ashlyn to see confusion across her face. My head snaps to my door as it opens, and Beau leans in.

"Good morning, beautiful." He winks at me before backing away and opening my back door to grab my bag from the backseat.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask, my heart racing a mile a minute. "Do you understand that you just put more of a target on my head for that bitch?"

We both look over to the now seething Ashlyn, and he shrugs. "She will get over it, and she won't dare touch you."

I laugh hysterically. "Get your head out of your ass, Beau! Ashlyn never bothered me until she put her sights on you! She will kick it up a notch now that you are interested in me and not her!"

"I think you are exaggerating just a little, Ry." He waits for me to move so he can close my door.

When he goes to slide his arm around my shoulder, I move away quickly. "Don't press your fucking luck, Huntley," I growl.

He holds his hands up and chuckles. "Okay. If you say so." He winks and continues walking…right past a fuming Ashlyn.

Others stare in disbelief as well. Everyone knows that Beau has always been my bully, so his actions are very unusual for him. When we walk past a group of girls, I hear my name called, and as I turn, I see Liv holding her hand up with a slight smile on her lips. I return the smile and continue following Beau.

It isn't until we get to my locker that he finally says something to me. "See? How easy was that?"

I glance around and still see students stealing peeks at us. I lift my brow. "Oh, I don't think anybody even saw us," I kid before rolling my eyes.

"Hey, at least they now know there will be no more bullying. Not from me or anybody else unless they want my wrath." He hands me my bag and leans against the locker beside mine.

"Can I ask you something?" I give him a side eye as I ask.

"Shoot," he says.

"Would you have really cut my hair that day you closed it in my locker?"

He grins. "No. I knew you would offer something in place of that."

"Oh, did you now?" I cock my brow. "And what would you have done had I met you in the basement?"

"Now, that is something that you will never know. Unless you want to meet me there during lunch today." Beau wiggles his brows at me.

Slamming my locker, I smirk. "In your fucking dreams, Huntley!" I tell him with a grin and walk off.

You never see me smiling at school. I've never had a reason to, and now, I'm finding myself doing it a few times with Beau. I hope this is real…that he's finished bullying me and causing me pain, because after seeing glimpses of this other side of Beau, I don't know if I will last another round of the old one if he decides I'm too much trouble.

Beau Huntley is wearing on me, and I'm not sure if I want to run the other way or pull him closer. All I know is that these last few days have been the happiest for me in a long time, even if I didn't see him. The texts we sent back and forth had me smiling and laughing…and that is something I hadn't realized I missed. I can't believe I'm saying this, but even with my doubts, I do believe that I'm falling for my bully.


It's been two weeks since I've talked to Brock, and since then, my relationships with my mother and Beau have become stronger. I still struggle with withdrawal symptoms some days, but surprisingly, my mother has been there to help me. Whether it be to occupy my time by doing things with me or just being there to hold me, she's been trying, and I can't thank her enough. Our bond is becoming stronger each day that goes by.

Beau is also here for me when my mother can't be, and I would love nothing more than for the two of them to meet soon. Unfortunately, whenever one of them is free, the other isn't. Then there are days when I'm left alone, because they are both busy, like today.
