Page 60 of Twisted Hunger

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"You're drunk, Ryan. You don't know what you're saying." He grabs my arm and turns toward the door.

"Take your fucking hands off me, asshole!" I try yanking free, but his grip only tightens.

"I see you haven't fixed that potty mouth of yours either. How about we fix that problem right now." Bain sits in the nearest chair and bends me over his lap.

I struggle to break free, a string of curse words falling from my mouth. Bain traps my legs between his thighs and restrains my wrists at my lower back. I faintly hear my mother plead with her husband, but he's ignoring her. He isn’t doing what I think he's going to do, is he?

Suddenly, a sting forms on my ass as his large hand comes down on it. Even with my leggings on, it still hurts. I try arching my back to loosen his hold, but nothing works. All I can do is remain here, bent over one of his thighs as he rains slap after slap down on my ass. My screams soon turn into sobs. I've lost track of how many he's given me, but he doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon.

Finally, when the spankings stop, Bain lifts me into his arms and starts to carry me. "Bunny, go help Helen unpack our bags while I take Ryan to her room."

All I can do is stare straight ahead, embarrassment and humiliation rushing through me. My mother argues briefly, but Bain must give her a look because she shuts up instantly, and then we are on the move again. I feel his muscles shift as he carries me up the stairs all the way to the third floor, where my room is. I have yet to figure out why I can't be on the second floor, where the other bedrooms are at.

"I was so happy that you were a good girl and had listened to me about staying here while we were gone. I was going to reward you, but now, I have to punish you." Bain opens the door to my room and sets me down on my feet by my bed. "Strip down to your underwear, Ryan."

My head snaps to him. "W-What? No…"

He rolls his eyes. "I'm not going to touch my stepdaughter, Ryan. Now, do as I say and take off your shirt and leggings."

I turn so my back is to him, and I do as he says. Luckily, I didn't wear a thong today, so my ass is covered for the most part. Still, more humiliation seeps into me as I stand here with barely anything on. This is my mother's husband, it's inappropriate…isn't it?

"Now, get down on all fours." He comes to my side when I shake my head. "Don't make me spank you more. Your ass is looking pretty sore at the moment…"

I quickly get to all fours and watch as he pulls the bed skirt aside, displaying the cage underneath the bed. I watch in horror as he unlocks the door and opens it. I look up at him, but all he does is raise his brow.

I try to back away, but Bain grabs me by the hair and pulls me toward the open door. "Bad girls get punished, Ryan. You need a time out; now be a good girl and crawl inside."

Shameful tears flow from my face as I crawl through the cage door. I can't sit up because there's not enough room, but there is a small pad, so I go to it and lie down. The door closes, and I hear Bain turn the lock.

"I will come check on you in a few hours. Here." He pushes a tube of cream through the bars. "I use this on my submissives after a good spanking. It will help if you rub it nicely and thoroughly." He goes to leave but then hesitates. "I don't like punishments, Ryan. I expect to be obeyed so we can avoid them. Remember that in the future."

The bed skirt comes down, shrouding me in darkness, and all I can do is sigh in relief that Bain is gone. I'm alone once again, but this time, it's welcome. My thoughts go to Beau, and I wonder what he's doing now. Is he thinking of me? After a moment, I push all thoughts of Beau from my mind because I feel dirty now, and I don't want to dirty any memory I have of Beau. Instead, I close my eyes and let sleep take me.

The turning of the lock on the cage wakes me, and I rub the sleep from my eyes. Dark brown ones stare back at me before moving away and letting me crawl out of the cage. After crawling back out of my little prison, I have no words for my stepfather, so I just stand here and wait for his next instruction.

"Now that you have received your punishment, all is forgiven, and it's a new slate. Please don't disappoint me again, Ryan." Bain pulls back the covers on the bed, and I climb up and settle in so he can tuck the covers around me.

I'm feeling numb at the moment. Not the fun kind of numbness I felt when I took X, but an empty kind of numb. I'm not sure where to go from here. Bain seems to be a step ahead of everything, but I will find a way. Somehow, I will leave here.

"What do you say to your stepfather, Ryan?" Bain's voice is low, like he doesn't want anyone but me to hear him.

"I'm sorry," I say, because I think it's what he wants to hear. But he shakes his head.

"Thank Daddy Bain for letting you out of the cage." He caresses my hair like I'm a little girl.

I swallow hard.

"Thank you, Daddy Bain, for letting me out," I whisper.

"That's a good girl. Now, get some sleep." He leans down and presses his lips to my forehead before leaving the room.

Holy shit! Is he trying to do what I think he's trying to do? No, he said he wouldn't touch me. He can't touch me. Otherwise, he would be a hypocrite. No, I think because my mother isn't into the wholeDaddy Dom and little girl kink, he's using me to scratch that itch.Fuck!

I must still be exhausted because falling asleep again doesn't take me long. Unfortunately, it's a fitful one, and I keep waking up in the middle of the night. I don't remember my dreams, but each time I wake up, there's a sheen of perspiration across my forehead. It isn't until almost dawn that I finally fall into a deep sleep.

For the next month, I'm not allowed to leave the estate without my mother or Bain, and I don't dare go anywhere with my stepfather, so I don't get out much since my mother still works many hours. I've heard my mother and Bain argue over her hours, and my stepfather finally put his foot down. Starting next month, my mother will be cutting her hours to part-time.

I've been keeping low for the most part, responding to Bain respectfully, and he seems to be happy about it. A few times, I've lost my temper with my mother and let a swear word slip here or there, and Bain had the audacity to put me in a corner as a time-out. Here I am, an eighteen-year-old woman, having to stand in a corner for using a potty mouth. It's humiliating, but then Bain forgives my transgressions and is always nice to me.
