Page 21 of Nick

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He could feel his mind racing. There was a moment when he wondered if he was about to pick up the phone and find out that they had arrested the traitor. Nick knew they needed to find them, but at the same time, it was hard for him to know who it was.

His stomach was tight, and his muscles were taut and stiff. As he picked up the phone, he braced himself for what was about to happen. “Hello?”

“Nick,” Drew greeted. He was a man of few words. “I can’t access the security cameras in order to conduct the last sweep.”

His hand tightened around the phone. “We have been experiencing problems with a recent system update. In the meantime, I’ll perform security sweeps until they sort it out.” The lie sat like ash on his tongue.

“Okay, boss. Night.”

He replied, “Night,” and heard the dial tone.

Heart heavy, he hung up the phone and stared at it with regret. He wondered if his team could forgive him because when they discovered the traitor, they would realise later that they were all under suspicion and Nick had lied to them.

“Nick?” Harper whispered behind him.

“I need a minute,” he said and heard her quick breath. “There’s a spare room at the back. We added it to the house when we were building it to make Karen feel safe until she was comfortable living alone.”

“You don’t want me in your room?” It was a seemingly innocent question, but inside him, a battle was raging.

There was a violent storm inside him, like a tornado, whipping up everything in its path and swirling it around and around. He could land on either side of the storm. However, he had no idea if it would be the side of anger, lust, or maybe just plain nothingness.

“I just thought you would feel more…” He couldn’t say safe−it wasn’t the right word and would make him sound like a ravenous beast−not that he didn’t feel like that when he saw the curve of her spine and those long legs−so he settled on “Comfortable.”

“Okay,” she replied softly, and he noticed her shadow move away.

It was a disappointment for him. Did that mean she was uncomfortable with him? He shook his head. He needed to take a shower and take some time to think. A headache pressed hard behind his eyes, and his brain felt like it was buzzing.

His attention was drawn to the phone, so he put it down and turned it off before he could think better of it. It was a habit that he never turned it off in case Karen needed him or reached out to him. She had her mate who she could turn to in case of any need, and Samiel would run to Nick if necessary.

His attention was drawn to her movements in the bathroom, and he sat back at the table, waiting for her to finish. He heard the water come on a minute after the door closed.

While he knew she wasn’t in the shower and perhaps was only washing up, his mind automatically placed her in the shower.

With water hitting her head, he filled in the blanks where her head would be thrown back, long hair streaming down her back. He could almost picture her tight pink pebbled nipples as the water hit her chest.

He groaned, rubbing his eyes, trying to wipe away the thoughts. There would never be a time he didn’t ache for her.

Picking up his glass, he filled it, cursing the mental image he had and glancing down at his stiff cock with a hard frown. Then, downing the drink, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

Being able to listen to her was a soothing experience. Having someone else present was enjoyable.

It was nice to come home to a house that wasn’t empty but alive, with movement echoing throughout, instead of dead silence, because Nick spent too much time alone.

Some nights, the silence could be oppressive and suffocating. It felt like his ears were straining to pick up even the smallest slither of sound when he sat down, and there was nothing.

There were times when the wind picked up enough to hear the hammering of forest debris hitting the wall of the house. When it rained, the wood slats creaked, and the leaves rustled in the bracing breezes.

Sometimes, it felt like he was in a horror film, especially when he turned off the lights and the sounds of the forest began to fill the room. There were animals inhabiting Moon, like it was the last sanctuary for wildlife, and Numbers had begun adding to Clara’s collection.

Their resident squirrels were far too curious and would nick their food if given the opportunity; they filled the trees with chattering. A scrabble of claws and windstorm was indeed eerie on a moonless night.

Betty formed a small herd with two new cows, but she was still spoiled and knocked around outside Drey and Clara’s home most of the time.

Clara had a cockerel that was supposed to control her rather wild chickens. Clara, however, lamented the fact that trouble remained in control, and the cockerel avoided her like a henpecked husband.

Moon was home to five ponies that roamed freely and could be found anywhere. Clara often provided them with food, but they were wild animals. When it came to animals, she was a soft touch.

He was jolted out of his thoughts when he heard the door open. He turned slightly just in time to catch a glimpse of her bare-naked leg and the curve of her pink lace-covered arse cheek.
