Page 32 of Nick

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He lay there with his curiosity piqued, wondering what would happen next. The anatomy of one part of his body was very interested. He mentally reprimanded it and told it to behave itself, or she might not stay.

“I thought we could keep each other company instead.” She twisted her hands together and stood halfway across the room.

When he didn’t protest and lifted the corner of the cover, she moved closer to the bed. He knew she was taking in his scent, but she wasn’t afraid as she took a deep breath and placed her knee on his bed.

Slowly crawling onto the bed, she tentatively sat alongside him. Laying down, she tucked her head into his arm, carefully keeping her lower body away from him.

“You can come closer, I promise not to bite,” he laughed.

A cute growl escaped her lips at his joke as she snuggled into his side. His skin was hot, and the contact sent a spark of electricity through his body. He felt her tremble, and she looked up at him shyly. Her cheeks were flushed. He felt his heart skip a beat as he gazed into her eyes.

He was drawn to her and captivated by her beauty. He was aware of her closeness and felt a strong connection with her. He felt undeniable chemistry between them and realised he would never have been able to keep her out of his heart.

He waited for her to cry foul at his nakedness and return to her room. She didn’t. Keeping her hands on his naked flesh, she let out a low breath that could have meant anything.

After lowering herself onto his arm, she closed her eyes and let her breath brush against his neck.

He felt a sense of relief and contentment as he wrapped his arm around her, knowing he could protect her. He could feel her warmth and hear her steady breathing, and his own breathing mirrored hers.

They should have spoken, but they both knew words weren’t necessary. So, they stayed in silence, comfortable in the knowledge they were safe in each other’s arms. For that moment, the world around them faded, and all that existed was them.

He yawed and pressed deeper into the bed. He felt so relaxed, so content in her embrace, the world around him fell away as he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 5

It was at least encouraging that he had been sleeping better. It had become something of a thing between them. He slipped into bed first, Harper followed him in, and he was glad. The two of them went to sleep, and he knew she was safe while he slept.

All of that was about to change. The moment Cain said, “They have him,” Nick felt a wave of disquiet in his entire body as he waited for the answer he had been dreading for so long.

Until now, he had been able to carry on like normal since he didn’t know who it was. He wasn’t sure whether finding out would make the situation worse or better.

“I don’t want to know,” he admitted, his stomach twisting and his throat tight. Everybody lies, he thought bitterly. Scrubbing a hand over his jaw, he asked through gritted teeth, “Who?”

Cain brought over a tablet and began tapping on the screen. He watched the video, and his head dropped when he recognised who it was. “I am sorry,” Cain said.

“How did this happen?” His heart hardening and numbness hitting hard, he replied, “It is not you who should apologise. Is he still there?”

Cain uttered a dark sound. “Watch.”

Nick watched the remainder of the video. He grunted in surprise when the male who Greg had released from the cell struck him in the head and knocked him unconscious.

In a brutal attack reminiscent of some murders he had seen photographs of, the male went completely nuts and viciously attacked the other prisoner with only a pair of keys.

“This male is on the loose,” Cain snarled, his face contorted with disgust, his claws slicing through his skin as fury got the better of him. “Yours is being secured, and a guard has died. Drey and Mallen are on their way to the prison. I’m going to secure my mate and child.”

“Cain,” he said quickly, although he could tell that Cain was itching to leave. “I am sorry.”

Cain shrugged. “As you said, it is not you who should apologise.” Cain turned to leave but hesitated with his hand on the door. “We have him, and that is what matters. It is not about why. No matter what explanation he offers, you won’t be able to comprehend it.” Cain left with that statement.

He chewed over Cain’s words and knew that he was correct. However, he didn’t understand why Greg had done it. No explanation or excuse would make him feel better.

Greg had become an integral member of his team. He was trusted. Nick knew about his family. Greg had been invited to celebrate Karen’s mating. Greg guarded Sylva and Karen along with other members of his team because he never expected…

With his traitorous actions, he had made him question them all and made him feel like scum, and now he had broken his heart.

There was a painful tightness in his throat, a heavy heart, and a sluggish pulse in his chest as he second-guessed himself. And he had to force himself to push it all away.

He picked up his phone and dialled Harper’s number. For long seconds, the sound of the dial ring was all he heard, then, finally, she answered. “Harper,” he sighed. “Where are you?”
