Page 44 of Nick

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“Nick,” she moaned, and he rewarded her by kissing her again and pushing his fingers into her body.

With his scent filling her nostrils, every inch of her skin was burning with furious desire, and her need heightened with every touch. The intense sensation caused her to have an explosive orgasm that left her seeing white spots. It was as if her body was waiting for him.

“Show me your eyes,” he demanded.

Harper opened her eyes to see him watching her face as he drew out her pleasure. She cried out, and he swallowed the sound, capturing her lips. His kiss was passionate and demanding, conveying the intensity of his desire for her.

She felt as if her body was burning up from the inside out, and her heart raced as his fingers explored her body. She felt as if he had taken her heart and that her pleasure was also his to take.

Her leg was almost going to fall off the bench, but he managed to hold her up. His hand stroked her hair back while he waited for her to breathe normally again. His fingers glided easily through her wet, conditioned strands.

After gasping for breath, she whispered, “I like waking up like this.”

“Hmm,” he replied, hugging her under her breasts. Her head was still resting on his shoulder as he trailed kisses down her neck in a sweet manner. “I prefer to have you by my side when I wake up.”

“Sorry, I didn’t want to disturb you,” she confessed. “You looked like you needed a rest.”

“I did,” he replied, sighing heavily. “Come on, let’s get out before you prune, and I have to get ready.”

She could still feel him hard against her. “What about you?” she asked, rubbing her bottom against him, and he inhaled sharply, grasping her hips to keep her still.

“This morning was all about you.”

A frown spread across her face because that wasn’t what should have happened. Nick stepped out and took one look at her pout and frowning face before bursting into laughter.

When she crossed her arms, she realised that it was distracting him. Or rather, it was her breasts that were distracting him. They were pushed up and together, making them appear perkier than usual. Her naked frown and crossed arms didn’t have the same impact as when she was clothed.

“You can take care of me later,” he promised.

In spite of Harper’s tongue sticking out at his teasing, her heart was light, and she smiled all morning. Her smile continued throughout breakfast, as well as when he left and gave her a lingering kiss. The smile on her face continued even as she worked on her flowers and took orders for the new store.

The smile on her face caught Isla’s attention as she passed. Isla stopped and probably was about to ask why she was so happy. However, she got a whiff of her scent and, instead, nodded in approval.

“That’s why you’re walking around with a crazy smile,” Isla said. It was true, Harper shrugged. “What does he think about it?” Isla inquired.

“I didn’t tell him…as such,” she confessed. At all, she thought. After that, she stilled, wondering if she had made the right decision.

If he discovered the truth, would he leave her? No. He wasn’t going to leave her. They had decided to see if things would work between them in the future, which implied that they would be together.

“He is my mate. I do not believe he will mind the bond.” She thought about how he was this morning and was almost certain he wouldn’t object.

Isla paused and replied, “I don’t believe he will either.” Picking a flower from the table, she started working the thorns off the stem and said, “I heard Nick went to see Greg today?”

She paused while assembling her centrepiece, her mouth dry. Seeing her expression change, Isla blurted out, “You didn’t know?”

“No. Why didn’t he tell me where he was going?” she wondered out loud. Isla could only shake her head. “How did you find out?” she asked.

“I just returned from the Alphas. During breakfast, they told me Greg was awake, and Nick wanted to question him.”

She twisted her hands together as she looked at the orders on the screen and the rough plan she had been drafting. If she abandoned the plans, she could come back to them later.

If she had to make them open the shop a day late, that’s what she would do. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, her mate needed her.

“Would you mind…?” she gestured toward the desk.

“Yes, of course, go,” Isla replied as she opened the gate.

Her gloves fell to the ground, and she ran to her Jeep. The faster she reached the hub, the less chance she had of him leaving without her. While Nick spoke with Greg, he might not need her in the room with him, and that was fine. She wasn’t particularly interested in being there with Greg, but she was interested in being there for Nick.
