Page 49 of Nick

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Chapter 7


He was struck with shock and disbelief and trying to come to terms with the fact that he was destined to live a long life. His expectation of a shorter life was human, so it was challenging for him to accept the fact that he would have to plan for a much longer future.

Even after hearing their words, he couldn’t believe it. Shaking his arms again, wiggling his fingers, he tried to get feeling in his numb hands.

A brief thought also crossed his mind: what would happen to him if she died? He stumbled. His back hit the wall, and he placed his hand flat on the wall, trying to breathe through the chaos. He couldn’t accept that.

All of it was unacceptable.

He hoped that Perdy was mistaken, that there was no way this could be true. Ideally, he would like to live another fifty years, maybe even sixty, if lucky. In his mind, a hundred-year-old human would stutter, eat pills regularly, and wield a Zimmer frame−if they were lucky.

Was he entitled to be pissed off that he was given the holy grail?

He was floating on a sea of calm disbelief, except he felt a strange sensation washing through his body; he knew the truth of their words, and the reality of the situation had finally sunk in.

In mythology and legend, people spent their entire lives seeking a fountain of youth. However, he had in his hands something far more valuable - long life - which was the ultimate prize for many. In no sense was he the picture of youth.

He saw his wide-eyed, shocked expression reflected in the long window and blinked. His gaze moved lower towards his mouth, the faint laugh lines visible, a reminder of happy times. He smiled, and the dimpled areas that Harper adored made him feel less alone. Taking a deep breath, he ran his hands through his dark hair with the tell-tale signs of age visible at his temples.

He chuckled; he was far from a young male.

Did she want him to be her mate? Surely someone younger, without salt and pepper in their hair and without signs of aging, would be a better fit. Yet, despite the age difference, she felt a strong and undeniable connection with him. She was determined to look beyond the surface, embracing the depth of their bond and allowing love to guide her decision.

He fisted his hands. “Don’t doubt this,” he whispered.

This connection was real.

Despite his age, she may have felt that his experience and maturity would make him a better mate in the long run. She may also have wanted someone to share her life with, who understood her better than a younger mate with less life experience.

“She wants me,” he said aloud, needing the reminder more than anything else.

He was always active and on the ground with his people. He devoted his life to his work. Then, Karen came along and gave him a purpose, followed by Sylva. Now…he laughed…there was his mate.

He still found it strange to refer to her as his mate, but she was, and he had to remember that. He had never expected to be so deeply in love, but now he felt a joy he’d never known before.

He heard the door swing open and saw Harper entering his office. She wrung her hands together, shuffling into the room like she was being led to the gallows.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as his gaze met Harper’s.

She shook her head.

His eyes swung past the picture on his wall, where the members of his team were standing around him. Greg’s smile glared accusingly at him, and his heart clenched. The pain of Greg’s betrayal was palpable.

Even though Harper had dulled the pain for him, he still felt a crushing sensation around his heart as a result of what had happened. He wished he could undo the past and make things right, but he knew it was too late. It was important for him to trust his people, especially since he had more than a lifetime to work with them.

“Nick?” she asked hesitantly. “I didn’t know.”

He nodded. “I know.”

“You don’t understand, it’s not about that.” In truth, Nick didn’t have any idea what kind of age span she believed she had. “I’m pretty sure the scientists didn’t know what age span Numbers would have.” He knew that if they had known the true potential of the numbers, they would have never been released.

“I understand a little better. I spoke to Jennifer. She was…”

“Devastated,” Nick finished.

Jennifer’s expression had been ruined, and Nick understood. Mourning the loss of her mother was especially difficult, knowing the eternity of separation awaited her. The death of a parent was often followed by the understanding that pain would only last a short time before they joined them in their afterlife while leaving behind their own children.
