Page 149 of Let's Play

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I stepped out of the car and checked out the logo of a three-tiered pink and purple cake with a smiley face covering the big picture window. Peeking inside, I spotted Chloe behind the counter. I walked over to the door, half-expecting to find it locked, but the knob turned easily under my hand. A bell dinged as I opened the door, then again when I closed it behind me.

“Sorry, I’m not op—”

She stopped speaking mid-word and her mouth formed a little O of surprise.

“Hi. Chloe?”

I have no idea why I raised my voice on her name, turning it into a question. But she nodded, so she must not have thought it was too strange. I approached the counter.

“I’m Phil Riddle. Dale told me to stop by and…”

And what?

Jesus, get yourself together, Riddle.

“That catch you made a couple weeks ago was really impressive.”

“Thank you.”

She toyed with the tie on her apron and pretended to be looking at me, but I’m pretty sure her eyes are focused on whatever is directly behind my ear. I’m not sure why we’re both standing here acting like preteens at our first junior high dance, but that’s the exact vibe we’re both giving. I decided to bite the bullet and just ask her out.

“I’m not sure how many games you worked before you caught that line drive, but it’s the first time I noticed you.” Her eyes widened and shifted to mine when I stepped closer to the counter. “And since then, I can’t stop thinking about you. I was wondering if you’d like to go out to dinner sometime.”

“Oh.” Chloe cleared her throat. “Um, sure. That sounds nice.”

“Yeah?” She nodded. “I have a day game Saturday. Are you available that night?”

“I am.”

“Great. I’ll pick you up at seven?”

“Sounds good.”

“Could I have your number so I don’t have to go through Monte if I have to contact you?” I asked with a smile.

She nibbled at her bottom lip for a couple seconds before nodding. I handed her my phone and she keyed in her digits. When she handed it back to me, I texted her a smiley-face emoji. Her phone dinged in the back room.

“There, now you have my number too.”

“I promise not to distribute it to the masses,” she said with a smirk.

“I appreciate that.”

It seems now that the business of asking her out is over, we’re both much more relaxed. I looked around the bakery then back at her.

“This is a really nice space and the location is great.”

“Yeah, I like it. The surrounding businesses have been very welcoming. In fact, I’m making some cookies to give them as a thank you.”

She’d just uttered that last sentence when a timer sounded. Chloe excused herself and walked into the back then returned a couple minutes later.

“Now it smells even better in here,” I said.

“Thanks.” She gestured toward the back. “I figured I couldn’t go wrong with chocolate chip cookies. Most people like them.”

“They’re actually my favorite.”

“Good to know.”
