Page 180 of Let's Play

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That got me stumbling as I rushed to disentangle myself from my bed at the same time as I tried to free my trapped arms. My cousin Sam was a phenomenal cook. Although he was only nineteen and had exactly one year of training, he’d been cooking since he was young.

While I’d been tempted to dawdle in the shower, trying to wash away all my lingering hurt and guilt, the thought of Sam’s food kept me on track. And focusing on trying to guess what delicacy he’d made did more for improving my mood and clearing my head than the water did.

“Here’s your plate, Bec.” Sam grinned at the face I made when he called me Bec as he handed me a plate filled with something similar to Eggs Benedict with golden hash browns and fruit salad. “It’s my take on Eggs Benny, using pickerel and a dill sauce.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fabulous,” I said as I shoved a forkful into my mouth. A moan escaped as the flavours hit my tongue. With such incredible food before me, I didn’t speak, preferring to keep my mouth full. It helped to avoid the questioning glances that were tossed my way from my mom and two aunts who worked in the kitchen preparing food for lunch and supper. Not even Sam was immune, giving me his “spit it out” look whenever our gazes connected.

The moment my plate was empty, I gathered it up and placed it in the dishwasher. “I’ll be outside until you’re ready to leave, Mom.”

I didn’t wait for an answer, but hightailed it out of the house.

And the moment I stepped outside I wanted to run back in.


He prowled up the walk toward the very spot where I stood. He held out his hand. “Becca, I heard what Aaron said to you. He’s so sorry. And so am I.”

A glance over my shoulder through the sidelight windows confirmed the fact that I didn’t want to have this conversation in front of the door. Instead of taking his outstretched hand, I walked past him, motioning with my head for him to follow.

Once I thought we were far enough away, I spun to face him. “What do you mean you’re sorry? And why is Aaron? Was everything he said a lie?”

T.J. shuffled his cowboy boot-clad feet. With his cowboy hat perched low on his head, if I hadn’t been so much shorter than him, I wouldn’t have seen the unease in his expression. “No, it wasn’t a lie.” I tried to hold in my gasp, but he must have heard it because his hands left his side, shooting forward towards me as if he wanted to hold my hands. Instead I clasped my hands together, stopping him. He returned his hands to his side, slipping his fingers into the front pockets of his jeans. “But he didn’t tell you everything either.”

My heart, which I didn’t think could break any further, proved me wrong. There is more? How much worse could it be if he didn’t tell me yesterday? After all, it’s not like he pulled any punches with what he did say.

“He didn’t tell you how torn up we were when you left. How in love with you we were…and still are.”

What? I couldn’t believe my ears. There was no way he’d just said that he, that they, loved me.

He pulled his hands from his pockets and stepped into my space. As I stood still, unable to move my feet that appeared to have rooted themselves to the ground, he slid his hands around my neck, brushing my cheeks with his thumbs in the process. “Come to my parents’ anniversary party tomorrow. Come so we can talk and Aaron can give his own apologies. Please?”

His scent overwhelmed me. All male and musk along with the scent of heated prairie grass. There may have been six years and all the words from last night between us, but as per usual, T.J. stormed in, taking charge, making me want to give in. I was putty in his hands.

“Please tell me that Aaron didn’t ruin our chance. We’ve waited six long years for this moment. I don’t even care why you left if you’re willing to let us back in.”

He must have sensed my weakening resolve or maybe it was just him, but he leaned down, pressing his lips to mine in a feather-like touch. When I didn’t protest, he pressed harder, kissing me the way I dreamed about. My legs refused to hold me up, but his hands did, keeping me from finding the ground with my butt. But just to prevent me from falling, my hands found his hips and held on. The rough jean material under my fingertips proved that I wasn’t dreaming.

He licked the seam of my lips, pushing in his tongue for the most fleeting of tastes. The berry flavour from his traditional morning smoothie that I remembered so well exploded over my taste buds.

Before the kiss went any further, he pulled back, resting his forehead against mine, dislodging his hat. “I forgot how these hats make kissing a pain in the ass.”

I laughed as I struggled to catch my breath. And when I thought I had everything managed, he winked, sending me into uncontrollable giggles. The rapid swing from anger, guilt, and betrayal, to love and lust was too much for my poor brain to understand and deal with.

“So we’ll see you tomorrow then.” He dropped a kiss on the tip of my nose before releasing my face and stepping back, breaking my hold on him. Without another word, he walked back to the truck that was parked in our driveway. The sound of him whistling a jaunty tune carried on the wind.

I chewed on the inside of my lower lip, unable to fully comprehend and process what just happened. Had I really agreed to see them tomorrow? Had he really kissed me? Lifting the fingers of my right hand to my lips, I felt how swollen they felt. Yup. He really did kiss me.

“Sorry it took me so long, Becca, but I’m ready to go now. Your Aunt Sally is probably chomping at the bit to get out of the hospital for the day.”

I swallowed the burst of hysterical laughter that threatened to burst forth. I didn’t know how much longer I could handle the emotional whiplash I was putting my body through. When my mom gave me a funny look, I sobered my expression, showing only a hint of the crazy that I felt. “Yes, Mom. We should go rescue Nan, the nurses, and the poor doctors from the whirlwind that is Aunt Sally.

Mom laughed. “Agreed. Otherwise they might kick out the whole family.”

Pushing all thoughts about what just happened from my mind, I focused on my Nan and mom for the drive. But any lull in conversation allowed T.J.’s kiss to jump to the forefront. They were tearing away at the walls I’d built and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

But the one thing I did know…I was so screwed.

