Page 192 of Let's Play

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Tabby and the Den (Paranormal Rom Com)

About Diving Off the Edge

Cassie moves to a new town with her dad, for his new swimming coach job.

When the play boy swimmer Tyler comes splashing into Cassie's life, what could possibly go wrong?

1 Cassie

It was finally time to move to our new hometown. My dad had snagged a coaching job, and I was moving with him. He’d been poached by a new club to help get some of the specific swimmers to the nationals. I was at a great point with my swimming career, so I couldn’t afford to be changing coaches at this point, especially not with national qualifications only a few months away. I also enjoyed my time swimming with my dad as my coach. It gave us a unique bond which very few other swimmers had.

The truck with mine and my father’s belongings inside pulled away from our old house. I took one final look at the house we had lived in since my mother left us for her office assistant and his family, who now lived in New Zealand. I could feel tears prickling in my eyes thinking about it. Twenty years in the small bungalow, and the two of us had become comfortable. The thought alone of moving away from our small town to a few cities over had my stomach churning. My only relief was that I knew some of the girls there from various competitions over the years.

I’d never had much time for friends—training took up most of my days and studying during my evenings. Other swimmers had come and gone, but I always remained. Pre-teens people gave up as puberty hit. Mid-teens discovered sex, relationships and parties. My closest friends were spread around the country after meeting at various swimming meets. Sport had a funny way of making it difficult to make friends who aren't also sports people. I hoped that moving to a new town would mean new opportunities for me to become less alone.

The scenery I had driven through many times gave me a sense of familiarity, but it also made me question what I was doing. Would the girls I’d befriended at competitions be so friendly when I lived nearby and trained with them every day? A nervous energy hummed around the car. Unable to relax, I turned the radio on to help clear my anxious thoughts which were beginning to overwhelm me.

Before long, the countryside turned into an urban scene as we neared our final destination. The familiarity helped settle my nerves until my dad spoke. “Hey Cass, I think that a few of the girls have organised a party tonight to welcome us to the neighbourhood. Are you feeling up to it?”

I gulped. I had never been a social butterfly, but I supposed it would be better than meeting people while half-naked, dressed in only a swimming costume, at five in the morning on the poolside. “You know what, Dad, I think I will come.”

“That’s okay, sweetie…” he began, pre-empting my refusal before taking in what I had actually said. “Wait, you’re going to come with me? That’s great.”

“Yeah, new team, new city. Why shouldn’t I try something new?”

“As long as you’re sure. The party starts at seven. Is that enough time for you to get ready?”

I snorted. Did he even know me? “Dad, I’m not like most females. I can get ready in twenty minutes.”

“Alright. Wear something fancy; the girls suggested dresses.”

I nodded in agreement while I tried to remember if I actually owned a dress. I couldn’t think of any but I would be able to check through my bags when I unpacked, and if I didn’t have one, I would have to go out and buy one. Fitting in was an important part of being the coach's daughter, especially in a new place.

I took in the area as we pulled up at our new house. There was nothing extraordinary about it—it was a house on a street in a city. It could have been anywhere, but this was my dad’s new home for his job. It was a three-story townhouse with a garage, a definite upgrade from our bungalow. I hadn’t realised my dad was already out of the car unpacking the moving truck, for I was too busy looking at my new surroundings and house to notice.

Climbing out of the car, I walked over to my dad, taking in the rest of the neighbourhood as I did. I could see a few children's toys around in some of the gardens and some cars still in the drives so I guessed it was probably a varied area. Maybe there would be some people my age around who I could make friends with.


Once everything was out of the truck and into the house, I finally got the opportunity to explore the house fully, even though it was now filled with boxes. The rooms were all a decent size and they were bright. It was the complete opposite of my childhood home; this seemed more of a grown-up environment.

Deciding I had spent enough time looking around and taking in my surroundings, I needed to start looking for an outfit for the evening. Placing my holdall onto my bed, I unzipped it. I wasn’t hopeful about finding a dress, especially when you considered all my clothes fitted in one bag with only a few pairs of shoes not fitting in it.

With all of my clothes now strewn over the bed, I slumped down on top of them, knowing I was now going to have to go shopping. The closest thing I had to something suitable was a pair of jeans and a sequined top, and I wasn’t even going to start on shoes.

Running down the stairs, I shouted out to my dad, “I’m heading out to get a dress to wear for tonight. I’ll be back soon.”

“Alright, sweetie. Don’t be too long. We’ll need to leave about half past six to get there on time.”

“No problem,” I assured him as I ran out of the door. I didn’t plan on being out for too long; I hated shopping anyways.

2 Tyler

I couldn’t believe that a party had been organised to meet the new coach. Why did anyone think it was a good idea for us to meet someone we wanted to think of us in a professional setting somewhere with alcohol? I didn’t know why, but someone clearly thought it would go down well. I was glad I’d be with friends, but I didn’t plan on drinking much. I needed to focus on my swimming if I wanted to make it to the national team. Although, a quick fuck with a random might be just what I needed to let off some steam. A club event probably wouldn’t be the place to find that though.

Checking my watch, it was quarter to seven. I would have to dress soon, but I also didn’t want to come across as too keen. Usually when a party started at seven, I wouldn’t turn up until eight. I was conflicted though. I wanted to make a good impression on our new coach and being late was not a good way to do that, even if it was to an unofficial event.

Dressed in my shirt, tie, and smart navy trousers, I was ready to go. I would arrive at half past seven, I mused. That was a nice middle ground—not too early, not too late. Hopefully then, it would be busy enough not to be awkward. I needed to go long enough to meet the new coach, but then I was heading out to find myself a willing girl to fuck.

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