Page 205 of Let's Play

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I look around the bus, as if I’m searching for a sign of what to do. But most everyone is chilled out listening to music or sleeping.

You know what? Fuck it. Our conversations are the best part of my day, so what could be better than seeing her in person? It’s time to take things to the next level. We could meet up for coffee when we have five minutes to spare. Or video chat when we can be together face-to-face.

And I’d be lying if I said there weren’t other benefits to meeting up. If we share the same chemistry in person that we have over a phone screen, my life is about to get a whole lot better.

Catlover99: Yea, I do.

Seriousley617: Great. That’s great. I’m not totally panicking that we’ll be wildly incompatible or that you’ll have massive amounts of back hair or that we’ll hate each other on sight.

Catlover99: hahaha. I was just thinking the same. Well, minus the back hair. Jesus. And no worries, my back is as smooth as a baby’s ass.

Catlover99: Not that I want you thinking about baby asses when you see my back.

Catlover99: And you’ll see my front first. Which is good.

Catlover99: Not that my back is bad.

Catlover99: Holy shit, will you please type and save me from this conversational hole I’m digging?

Seriousley617: sends popcorn emoji I’m just enjoying the show…

Catlover99: So, when do you want to meet up? I’m out of town now, but I’ll be back this weekend.

Seriousley617: Same. Well, I’m leaving soon. How about Sunday?

Shit. That could get tricky. We have a home game Sunday.

Catlover99: Sorry, I’ve got a thing.

Seriousley617: No big deal. Just let me know what your schedule looks like next week.

Dammit. Now she thinks I’m trying to get out of meeting her. Ok, all hope is not lost. Maybe Saturday will work. Hell, maybe we’ll be so in sync that I’ll ask her to come to the game Sunday. Whoa. I am getting way ahead of myself here, but there’s something about Seriousley617 that just draws me in. She’s so open, so funny, so unapologetically snarky and sassy.

Catlover99: Are you free Saturday?

Seriousley617: Yea, Saturday works.

Catlover99: Awesome. I can’t wait.

The bus lurches to a stop and I can’t believe we’re here already.

Catlover99: Listen, I’ve gotta go, but we’re on for Saturday?

Seriousley617: Sounds good. And Happy Turkey Day. :)

I send a GIF of a cat wearing a turkey costume and sign off. I have no idea what we’ll do for our meet-up Saturday, but that’s a worry for another day. Right now, my team and I have a hockey game to win.

Chapter 2


I’m surrounded by hockey players and food. Which is to say, I don’t have much to complain about. But here I am, spending American Thanksgiving with my team, eating all the delicious food Coach’s wife made for us, and yet I’m counting down the minutes until I can get out of here, head back to my dorm, and talk to Seriousley617.

And seriously, we need to talk.

I want to hear her voice. I want to know her name. Saturday can’t get here fast enough.

I’d pull up my app and send her a message, but one thing I’ve learned about hockey players is that they’re nosy as shit. And they’re A-level pranksters. So my app is hidden and my phone is in my pocket.
