Page 217 of Let's Play

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Much to her dismay and after driving a complete circle around the stadium, she still hadn’t found the right place.

Just pull into the next lot, she told herself. Surely, you can find someone that can direct you where you’re supposed to go.

Camryn, unaware of the vehicle that was following way closer than they should’ve been, quickly made a hard right into the next lot. The driver blasted their horn several times, and she looked up just in time to see some dude give her the middle finger.

Camryn’s hands began to tremble as she gripped the steering wheel. “Fucker,” she muttered under her breath. Okay, so she’d forgotten her turn signal, but did he have to be right up on her bumper?

And wouldn’t you know, the shiny, red pick-up truck pulled up right behind her. At first, she thought the ass hole was going to get out and give her a piece of his mind—given his hand gesture just seconds ago—but the attendant waved her hand at him as though he wasn’t any more important than the next person.

“Don’t mind him,” the older woman announced as soon as Camryn rolled her window down. “He’s always like that. He can be a real jerk sometimes.”

“Oh, really?” Camryn asked and let out a sigh. “I feel bad because I didn’t give any notice that I was turning.”

“Trust me, he’ll get over it. What can I help you with?” she asked.

“I’m pretty sure I’m lost,” Camryn said as she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I’m looking for the lot where the medical staff is supposed to park.”

Beep, beep, beep.

Camryn glanced in her side mirror only to see the upset guy bang his hands against the steering wheel.

Beep, beep, beep.

“Do you have your credentials on you?” the woman asked, stepping up closer to the car. “Normally, I’d wave you on through, but your face is one I don’t recall seeing before.”

Camryn pulled her purse from the passenger seat and began to dig around for the lanyard they’d given her with her ID attached to it. “I know it’s in here somewhere,” she said as she continued to rifle through the contents. “Oh, wait, here it is.” Spotting it in the floorboard right alongside her phone, she leaned as far as she could until her fingers could grasp hold of the strap.

“Well, Ms. Camryn,” the woman said, reading her name that was on the back of the badge alongside her photo. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. You say you’re on the team’s medical staff?”

“Yes, ma’am. Today’s my first day. Can you tell I’m a little nervous?” Camryn said, biting down on her bottom lip.

Beep, beep, beep.

“Come on,” the guy behind her stuck his head out the window and hollered. “Can you move over so I can go on through.”

“Lord, help that poor boy,” the attendant said and put her hand on her hip. “Ain’t nobody got time for that today.”

Camryn laughed at the woman’s remarks. “What a jerk.”

“Whatever you do, avoid that one at all costs. He’s trouble.”

Camryn wasn’t sure why the attendant felt compelled to warn her, but she’d be sure to keep an eye out for him, whoever he was.

Chapter Two

Camryn put her things away in the locker she’d been assigned and followed Marcus to their office.

“I had no idea there was so much going on behind the scenes here,” Camryn admitted as they walked from one room to the next.

“It gets a little chaotic right before game time,” Marcus said. “That’s why everything needs to be in place before the team takes the field. Not that we deal with life-threatening situations, but you never know when someone is going to get hit by a pitch or they foul a ball off the side of their ankle. I’ve also seen some pretty nasty cuts when someone’s gotten cleated sliding into a base. Talk about painful. And sometimes when you least expect it, you’ll see more than what you want to see.”

“More than what I want to see?” Camryn asked, her forehead wrinkling while she looked at Marcus.

“Yeah, some of the guys have no shame in the locker room. They don’t care who sees them or how much is showing. If you’re embarrassed to see cheeks, you need to get over it.”

Camryn snickered. “Cheeks? I’ve never really referred to them as cheeks. I’m all for a nice ass, though.”

“Just wait. You’ll see what I’m talking about in time. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Marcus winked at her as he spoke, and Camryn realized how much she really liked her work partner. Nothing like someone who wasn’t afraid to say the truth.
