Page 37 of Let's Play

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There’s a part of me that can’t believe this is actually happening. That he finally sees me in the same light I’ve always seen him.

Brooke glances up when I remain frozen in place. “Get going, girl!”

Her voice spurs me into action, and I swipe my black purse off the dresser before beelining for the door.

As I cross over the threshold into the hallway, she calls out my name. “Sash?” I swing back around. “Take a jacket and hat and have an amazing time with the guy of your dreams.”

A small smile curls the edges of my lips as I suck in a deep breath before releasing it back into the atmosphere. “Thanks.”

With a pounding heart, I race out of the apartment and down the stairwell to the lobby before pushing out into the darkness. I pause on the walkway before spotting Easton’s truck idling in a parking space.

My hand flutters to my belly in an attempt to settle the butterflies that have winged their way to life. Even though I quickly sift through all of my memories, I know there’s never been a time that I’ve been this nervous around him.

Whether I want it to or not, everything feels different now.

Our gazes meet across the lot and a sizzle of awareness scuttles down my spine as he lifts a hand to wave.

I return the gesture before hurrying to the passenger side, opening the door, and slipping inside. Barely do I open my mouth in greeting when his fingers slide through my hair to cup the side of my head before pulling me toward him until his mouth can settle over mine. That one touch is all it takes to lose myself on a rising tide of sensation. Just as I’m about to sink into the caress, he breaks away.

“Hey there.”

“Hi.” My voice comes out sounding breathy and high pitched, not at all like it usually does.

His lips curve into a slow smile as if he knows exactly how affected I am.

“You ready to do this?”

I jerk my head into a nod and attempt to put the kibosh on the chaos unfolding inside me.

“Glad to hear it.” There’s a pause and my breath catches, wondering if he’s going to delve in for a second kiss. I’m disappointed when he doesn’t.

“I think you’re going to enjoy it.”

It takes effort to dispel the haze clouding my mind. “You never mentioned what we’re doing.”

He sends me a cagey look before shifting the truck into reverse and backing out of the parking space. “Yup. That was purposeful.”

I turn in my seat to face him as he pulls onto the street. “Wait a minute. Is it a secret?”

A smile simmers around the corners of his lips. “Maybe.”

“Hmmm.” I settle against the leather and stare out the windshield as my mind spins with all the possibilities. “Are you going to give me a clue?”

“Nope.” Looking pleased with himself, he pops the P at the end of the word.

“Not even a little one?”

He presses his lips together before shaking his head.

I’d figured our date would be lowkey and we’d end up grabbing dinner somewhere and then hitting a party. Or maybe we’d see a movie. Something along those lines. But that obviously isn’t part of the plan, since we’re on the outskirts of town. The lights from the city fade before Easton turns onto a side road and we head into a county park. As we roll to a stop at a tiny, one-story building, he rolls down the window to speak with the guard.

“Hey, Mitch. How are you doing? Is everything set up?”

The blond guy grins as his gaze flickers to me. “Yup, all ready. Have fun.”

“Thanks, take care,” Easton says with a wave.

“You, too.”
