Page 49 of Let's Play

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“We were just discussing who we thought you may want to cut from the team. The all stars can only have the best players after all.” Mayor Hall comments.

“I think the Ross boy should be the first to go.” Karen curls her lip and I no longer wonder where Luke gets his bullying ways from.

“The Ross boy is probably the best player on the team. Why would I want to cut him?” I ask with defiance.

“You can’t be serious? Besides, his mother will never be able to pay the fees needed.” Karen gives me a hard look.

“Now Karen, Brian is right. The boy is an amazing player on the field.” Mayor Hall tries to convince his wife.

“Why do you always take up for him?” I hear her whisper heatedly. The Mayor seems to squeeze her hand hard and she sits quietly for the rest of the evening.

I wonder briefly why Karen Hall seems to dislike Max and his mom. After we eat dinner, I stay as long as needed to not be rude before I say goodnight and leave.

I really dislike those who believe they are better than others and that is exactly how Karen thinks. It’s a huge sigh of relief as I back out of the driveway, heading back towards town.

Thinking I’ll stop by the store and grab some stuff for sandwiches, I pull into the local market that is still open.

This being such a small town, most of the shops and stores close earlier than I am used to. There’s only a few other cars in the lot, hopefully I can grab what I need before they lock the doors.

Walking inside, I see only one cashier at the front.

“We close in ten minutes.” She says with a polite smile.

“I won’t be long.” I reply back, grabbing a small basket.

As I turn a corner heading towards the meat department, I catch sight of Becky pushing a shopping cart.

I stop to watch her for a minute smiling at the way she seems to study everything before she puts it into her basket.

The thought that she is probably checking the price and calculating it all up zips through my mind causing me to look at her a little more closely.

Honestly, I think the woman is beautiful although she does look as though she could use a few more meals.

She finally looks up as if feeling my eyes on her. I can’t stop the smile that takes over my face as I walk towards her.

“Hey.” She says when I reach her side.

“Hello. Do you normally shop for groceries this late?” I ask.

“If I can. I like when there aren’t so many people in the store.” She says.

“And no chance to run into the Mayor’s wife?” I ask, grinning.

“Exactly.” She makes a face causing me to laugh out loud.

“Where’s Max?” I ask, looking around for the kid that is normally always with his mom except at practices.

“He went to his friend's house. I’m supposed to pick him up on my way home. I should get up to the check out before they shut down the register.” She says quickly, turning away.

I watch as she walks away. The woman intrigues the hell out of me to no end.

Moving on, I grab the rest of the stuff that I need, making my own way to the front of the store.

Becky is still in line, trying to use the credit card machine. She gives me a polite smile as I set my own groceries on the belt.

“This says you only have eighty four dollars left on your food stamp card. You’ll have to pay the thirty dollar difference.” The cashier says to Becky with a huff.

Staying silent, I see Becky’s eyes cut over towards me as she begins digging in her purse.
