Page 55 of Let's Play

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Turning in their direction, I don’t even look at James as I answer Karen.

“Just pick a table. I’ll be right with you.” I quickly say before walking through the door into the kitchen.

I try to control my breathing before a panic attack can take over my body.

“Are you okay dear?” Martha asks worriedly as she quickly moves to my side.

“The mayor and his wife are here.” I answer looking up into her eyes.

“I’ll take care of it. You go wash your face and take care of yourself before coming back out.” She pats my cheek with a soft smile before walking out.

Once I am in the restroom, I splash water onto my face until I begin to feel normal again. I don’t know why I still allow them to get to me this way. I’m just thankful that I don’t have to share Max with them. Hopefully I never have to.

Feeling a lot better, I head back out to do my job but what I see over at Karen's table causes my heart to jump again.

Max is standing next to their table while James talks to him. Karen has a sour look on her face. My feet finally move, carrying me over to Max as quickly as possible.

“You are a really good ball player.” I hear James say to him.

“Thank you sir. I’m going to be in the major leagues one day.” Max says with a huge smile.

“That is a lofty goal, don’t you think?” James asks, looking at Max before his eyes look up at me. “Becky. Your son here thinks he’s going to play in the major league one day.” His lip curls in disgust while looking at me.

“If that is his goal, then I have no doubt at all that he will make it one day. He’s a team player. Bullies don’t really make it in life.” I smile back.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” James turns fully in my direction as Karen gets a huge grin like she knows I am about to be put in my place.

“What she means is that your own son, Luke, is not a team player.” I hear from behind me.

Looking back, I see Brian who smiles at me before putting his arm around my waist. I am so grateful for him at this moment. I’m afraid that I may actually fall in love with him.

“Careful Mr. Lewis or you could find yourself without a job.” James growls.

“I highly doubt it, seeing as I have a contract that extends longer than your political seat. You may not even be reelected next year. Besides, if you try, I’ll be forced to sue the town.” Brian smiles, completely relaxed against me.

James and Karen both seem to be speechless, staring at Brian as if he has two heads. I can’t stop the smile that spreads across my face.

“Are you getting off soon? I was hoping you would be at Max’s practice today.” Brian looks down into my eyes.

“I’m on the clock for ten more minutes but yes, I planned to go today. I have the check for Max’s fees to give to Sonny.” I look back at Karen as her eyes seem shocked that I have saved up the expense for the team.

“Max and I will wait for you in the car.” He kisses the tip of my nose, glances over at James and Karen without a word and walks out the door with my son.

My heart flips in my chest. Yes, I definitely can fall for this man. I’m all smiles for the last ten minutes of my shift.

Chapter 6


For the past week, I have spent every moment possible with Becky and Max. It’s been amazing. The day that Becky paid Max’s fees with the team was especially awesome. The looks on those assholes’ faces knowing that he would not be cut from the team filled me with absolute pride.

Tonight is the first night Becky has had off from work so we made dinner plans together. Max is staying the night with his friend Tommy.

I finally went shopping for groceries so that I could cook dinner for her in my new house. I had offered to pick her up but she insisted that she would drive over after dropping Max off.

I’ve just finished setting the table when my doorbell rings. Smiling in anticipation, I walk quickly to the door.

Swinging it open, I see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
