Page 68 of Let's Play

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Like the little brat Olivia said I was, I stomped my foot, narrowed my eyes and let out the loudest exasperated sigh a preteen girl could manage.

Screw you, Dad!

With a final pout, I marched into the corridor outside of the locker room. The smooth painted brick was cold against my back. I started out leaning against it, but the cold fall air weakened my fury. It wasn’t long before my body crumbled to the ground.

Slow, controlled tears turned into waterfalls. I wrapped my arms around my legs to curl into a little ball. The walkway was practically empty. The game had just started; pretty much everyone had taken their seats in the stands. I hid my face against my knees.

A thud pulled me out of my feelings. “Could someone please explain to me why the biggest football fan I know, beside Coach and myself of course, is sitting out here pouting instead of watching the most anticipated game of the season?” His voice was sweeter than honey. I’d recognize him anytime, anywhere.

“My life is falling apart.” I didn’t lift my head. No way in hell did I want him to know I was crying.

“Whose isn’t? We live in a small town in the south. Everybody’s life sucks. Are you gunna sit here and pout about it or do something to fix it?” It was good advice coming from a twelve-year-old boy.

I had to wipe my face on my keens before I could reply. “Where’d ya’ get that advice? Chicken Noodle Soup for the Southern Teen’s Soul?” Good thing my parents didn’t like me wearing make-up. Otherwise, that mascara stuff would have been all over my face.

“Whatever. Can we go watch the game now?” He jumped to his feet. My heart beat a million times faster when he held out his hand to help me up. The electricity of the simple touch was indescribable. Other than a game of tag or a bump here or there in the hallway at school, we’d never ever been this close. My parents sometimes used the word intimate. I think that’s how it felt.

“Sure. Just let me use the bathroom real quick.” After all, Olivia’s gum was still stuck in my hair. He didn’t need to know that, though. Thankfully, the glitter gel keeping my ponytail in place worked as a shield against the gum. It hadn’t really stuck too far into the strands, so I could pluck most of it out with a paper towel.

A couple minutes later, I skipped out of the bathroom and surprised both Chase and myself by wrapping my arm around his. “Let’s do this.” I smiled up at him, wishing for just once he would show the same amount of interest in me, I had for him.

Holy hot damn, fairy god mothers do exist and dreams can come true.

His eyes sparkled down on me with a smile that made me wish I had a photographic memory. The dimples in his cheeks made his whole face smile. He was happy, and it was all for me.

Just when things were turning up, disaster struck. The smile quickly dropped from Chase’s face. Bright red and white lights flashed along the stadium. Blue lights followed.

“I think someone got hurt.” The cheer was gone from his voice.

The stands were eerily quiet. Normally, the fans were cheering and shouting. The band’s percussion was always booming to one beat or another. The silence was deafening.

“Uh, oh!” Chase and I said at the same time. Total soulmates. We had that intuition thing that twins have. Only, we’re not related. That would be weird, since I was madly in love with him.

We rushed out of the corridor onto the side of the field. If I thought gum in my hair and a few mean comments would ruin my life, I was dead wrong. Lying on a stretcher, surrounded by paramedics, was my biggest fan.

“Dad!” I rushed onto the field. The head defense coach grabbed me. I didn’t stand a chance against the former NFL linebacker. All I could do was watch.

“Unresponsive.” A medic said.

“Cardiac arrest.” Dad.

“Possible Stroke.” Radio fuzz broke the silence of the stadium crowd.

At some point, the coach set me on a cold metal bench. Time started moving way too fast. They loaded daddy into an ambulance and sped out of the parking lot.

The game was over. Something about a forfeit. There was a commotion behind me, but I was in too much of a haze to turn around to find out what was going on.


I’m not sure how long I sat there, waiting for Dad to come back. He never did. Chase’s mom insisted on giving me a ride home. Chase and I sat silent in the back seat. I stared out the window watching the world pass me by. She asked if I wanted some music. I didn’t. All I wanted was something I couldn’t have.

“Is my dad okay?” I asked.

“Honey, I’m not sure. Maybe your mom has a better update.” Chase’s mom was the best mom on the block. She always knew the right thing to do in a sticky situation. My mom worked. A lot! She and I didn’t exactly see eye to eye on a lot of things. It was my dad who understood me, who always knew how to help me through a rough day.

“Want me to come with you?” Chase asked when his mom parked in their driveway.

“I’ll be okay.” I hoped.

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