Page 18 of Alpha

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Yes, this was what I needed. To feel something. I was wound so tight I could burst.

I dragged my gaze up his flat stomach, flexed arms, and strained neck to his lips. They parted, and he looked down at me. I saw he was trying to control himself.

“Good?” he whispered, and I was thrown by the knowledge he was worried I might not be okay. I gave a tight, very positive nod, and he dove down and caught my lips and devoured my mouth. His hips flicked and rolled, and all I could do was balance and hold on to him.

Noises escaped deep down in my throat as he rubbed all the right places. His tongue was forceful and dictated the kiss to match his thrust.

My nails dug into his back, and I sank my teeth into his shoulder, which intensified his hold on me.

“I heard you got hit on today,” he muttered between licks.

Really, Mark. I rolled my eyes. I really didn’t want to have that conversation right now.

“I met one of Livi’s friends, and her father asked me out.”


“And I’m on a date with him right now.” My voice dripped with sarcasm. He glared at me as his nails dragged across my sensitive skin. “I’m not looking for anyone else, Ty.”

“Mm,” he mused as his expression darkened, and I felt a feverish heat burst through me. Ty had a way of being alpha with one simple look, and that was it.

Then he suddenly ripped away from me with a growl.

I found myself spun around and placed with the arm of the couch against my lower back. My head and shoulders dropped to the cushion as he held my legs and towered over me. He gathered my legs in his arms and held them straight up against his chest as he thrust over and over. Every muscle in his body was taut as a bowstring. I felt my climax grow deep in the bottom of my belly, my skin prickled, and my head lightened. I clawed at the cushions, desperate for something to cling to.

Something drew his eyes to the table next to me, and he looked down at it with an intense expression. For a split second, he slowed his rhythm but seemed to shake whatever it was off, and he looked away and kept going. He lowered my legs a bit and circled his hips while I fought to keep my screams at bay. The office was much more exposed than the bedroom upstairs.

“Ty.” I bowed my back and knew I only had a minute or two before I was going to come. “I—I’m…” He thumbed my bud, and I let go. A million and one emotions tore through me, and I vaguely remembered him grinding himself to his own release.

When my vision cleared, I let a happy smile stretch lazily over my lips as I took in the man above me. But instead of a smile, his expression told me he was bothered by something. He helped me to my feet, and I quickly rearranged my clothes as I wondered what was up.

“You missed a text.” He handed me my phone, and I felt my stomach drop. I clicked on the screen and read the words.

Bronson: Hearing your voice today makes me realize I still love you.

I tossed my phone on the table and tucked my blouse back into place. Ty was watching me, and I could tell by the way his jaw ticked his mind was probably working overtime.

“That’s my ex-fiancé.” I didn’t need to explain, but I chose to as I considered he’d seen that message while he was deep inside me. “That’s who I was on the phone with before you came in.”

“And he’s still in love with you.” It wasn’t a question, more of a statement.

“Even if he was, which I don’t think he really is,” I finger combed my hair and looked about for my clip, “we’re not compatible. We tried it and failed.”

“Do you still love him?” He folded his arms, and I couldn’t help but admire how sexy he looked when he was unsure. I didn’t think it was a position he often found himself in.

“I wouldn’t be having sex with you if I was.” His brows narrowed, and I stepped forward, closing the gap between us, but I made sure not to touch him. “Doesn’t feel that great, does it?” I hiked up an eyebrow, and his face fell slightly.


“I’m unsure where you stand with—”

Suddenly, an ear-pricing siren blew through our phone speakers, sending the fear of God through both of us. Every tablet, computer, intercom, smart watch, any technology screamed for our immediate attention. We both scrambled to grab our lit-up phones as they danced wildly on the table. It could mean only one thing. As we looked at our screens, we froze.

Cole: Code Red.

Ty’s gaze flew to mine. He quickly fixed the collar of my shirt, grabbed my hand, and tugged me toward the door. We raced together down the stairs.

Everyone knew to gather in the living room. Two small red lights I’d never noticed before flickered on and off above the door. The vibe in the room was high, and we all knew something bad had happened or was about to happen. Mia called me over to sit next to her at the back of the room while Ty joined the rest of the Blackstone team near the fireplace.

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