Page 25 of Alpha

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“Why Doc?”

“Because he’s—” She stopped herself. “Let’s just hope you aren’t going to end up in Mexico just when I have to leave.”

“Yes, let’s really hope that won’t happen at all.” I linked my fingers through hers and gently pulled her close to me. Her free hand landed on my chest, and I instantly felt grounded.

“I don’t like Bronson.”

“I don’t like Demi,” she shot back.

“I told her at the coffee shop that she and I weren’t anything.” Her blink was obvious.

“You had coffee with her?” Slowly, her hand slipped away from me. “Was she in New York with you?”

“She went with my family to the funeral.”

“I see.” She stepped back, and I stepped forward to close the gap between us again.


“You just got jealous because of my phone call, but you went on a trip with your just new ex.” She put her hand on her chest. “Surely you can see why my back would be up. Were you even going to tell me she was there?”

“Why would I?” I frowned. Her head pulled back, and she laughed and shook her head. I closed my eyes for a second as I realized I’d sounded like a dick. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“It’s fine.” She plastered on a smile and looked over my shoulder. “Hey, Doc.” I turned and greeted Doc Roberts.

“Hey, Ty. Ivy, did you get it?”

“I did, yes.”

“Wonderful.” He gave me a pleasant smile, and I wondered how much Doc knew about Ivy’s situation. I sensed he was involved and couldn’t get a handle on why. “How’s Bronson doing?”

“He’s fine. It was good to catch up. It’s always nice to know where you stand with someone.” She tossed me a look, and I felt her silent kick to my gut.

Doc looked at me and then looked at Ivy. I caught their exchange, but I wasn’t about to leave. I knew I’d messed up and needed to make the situation right.

“It was who we thought it was,” she said cryptically. Doc’s face fell, but he recovered quickly.

“Oh, dear. I guess I should go make some calls.” He gave a wave before he left, and I turned to face her.

“Ivy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come off the way I did.”

“It’s fine.” She started to brush by me, but I snagged her arm.

“It’s not, and I’m sorry.” I bent down so we were eye level.

“Ty,” she pulled her arm free, “our lives are incredibly complicated right now. This was only supposed to be lust and nothing more. Let’s keep our promise of just that.”

“I’m not sure if I can,” I blurted.

“Well, I’ll tell you what. Until you know, maybe we should cool it with the sex.”

“I disagree.” I hated the idea of her not being mine to touch. “I know how much I crave you.” I went with raw honesty, and she could take it whatever way she wanted. “I know how much I like being around you. It’s why I reacted like an ass when I realized you were talking to your ex.”

“Well, Ty, that sounds mighty close to something called a relationship.” She put her hands on her hips, and her eyes bored into mine.

“Then let’s have a relationship.” I held her gaze.

“I don’t think either of us is ready for that.” She ran a hand down my arm as if it was the last time she was ever going to touch me. I flared with frustration. I wanted her to want this as much as I did, so I lashed out.
