Page 26 of Alpha

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“You were ready to have a relationship with Hill. I mean, you dated him. You were ready to give him a chance.” I knew I was dangerously close to her walking away.

“First, I had no idea that Carson was Hill. How could I?” She glared at me. “And second, it was just dating. I was putting myself out there to have a bit of fun.”

“Have fun with me, then.”

“We did, and now look where we are. We’re both jealous when we shouldn’t be.”

“Because we both know we should be in a relationship, together.” I cornered her with my words, and her mouth opened and closed again as I caught her in her own contradiction. “C’mon, let’s try it, Ivy.” I hooked her around the waist and tugged her closer to me. “I know it comes with a risk, but how will we ever know if we don’t give it a shot? The idea of some other guy having you makes me want to tear his throat out. That’s not just lust, Ivy. That’s something more.”

“I don’t know.” She cast her eyes about as though she searched for the right answer. “If we do this, Ty, you need to know that seeing your old sex buddy is not okay with me.”

“Understood,” I leaned down and inhaled her scent, “as long as you understand that there are times I might be possessive.”

“I’d never have guessed.” She dripped with sarcasm, but her smile lightened as she molded into my hold for a moment then pressed her hands against my chest and looked up at me. “Ty, if we start to slide south, we need to stop and reevaluate. You’re here for your job, and I’m here for both a job and my safety.” She caught herself on the last word. “You know I am,” she admitted.

“Yet, another reason I want to keep you close.” I devoured her mouth, full of relief and excited about where this might take us.

“I’m serious, Ty.” She pulled away. “We have to make sure this relationship doesn’t take us down a road where we can’t ever be friends. There’s too much at stake here for both of us.”

“I hear you, and I get it.” I kissed her again.

The sound of an engine pulled me away from her, and I smiled, knowing my brother was here to watch my six.

“Who’s that?” She looked around me to where the SUV pulled up in front of the house.

“That’s Moore, the second addition to my team.”

“Oh, the famous best friend,” she teased as we made our way over.

The door flew open, and Moore hopped out in our normal attire of t-shirt and fatigues. He dropped his duffle bag on the ground. When he spotted me, he leaned forward for a shake, then grabbed me in a what-the-hell hug. I could feel his excitement.

“That was a long-ass trip, brother.” His voice was muffled against my shoulder. “But I’m here, and look at this place.” He gave a whistle.

“I can promise you,” I knew I could let my guard down a little, “it’s well worth the journey.”

“Fuck yeah, it is.” He suddenly spotted Ivy, and a shit-eating grin spread across his face. “Sorry about my mouth, little lady.” Moore held out a hand and she took it.

“I’ve heard way worse.” She smiled. “I’m Ivy.”

“Trust me, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Is that so?” She glanced at me. “Like what, exactly?”

“Where to begin?” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and walked her toward the house.

“Don’t make me regret this,” I muttered as I snagged his duffle bag from the ground and followed.

We headed inside, and I rolled my eyes at the bullshit he fed her. Of course she was wise to him but played along just to get a rise out of me.

Ivy gave him a quick tour and introduced a few people along the way. Though the house struggled with the Lexi situation, they made sure it didn’t show as they welcomed our new housemate. After the tour, we went out back, and I indicated a seat for him, then Ivy and I sat next to him so we could all admire the lake.

“This sure wasn’t what I expected.” Moore let out his breath in a whoosh. “Let’s just say it’s an entirely different vista than the Taliban-infested mountains.” He huffed a little laugh.

“Agreed.” I still couldn’t believe my life now. It boggled the mind.

“Do you miss it?” Ivy looked at the two of us.

“I was done with the place well before our last tour,” Moore explained, “but this guy,” he looked at me, “I think he could’ve done another lifetime there.”
