Page 45 of Alpha

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I vibrated with anger, and my tone must have alerted Alejandro because he came into the room.

“Just give me a minute.” I shook my head to warn Alejandro I wanted to be left alone. I needed to think without everyone in my head. With my keys in hand, I shoved one of Castillo’s men out of my way as I headed to the SUV.

I turned the engine over and sent some stones flying as I flew down the driveway toward a local pub. It was only a short drive but gave me a few minutes to calm myself down. The place was a small local dive, with shit music, cheap drinks, and low lighting. Just what I needed to get myself back in check.

“Tres tequilas,” I mumbled, and the bartender snapped three shot glasses on the bar, ran a lime along the edge of each, then dipped the rims in salt. He knew how I liked my drink. It was far from my first visit. He flipped the bottle and overfilled them each to the top with no room to spare. He took the other half of the lime and sat it at the end of the row of the shot glasses.

“No man should drink alone.” I nodded at him then at the bottle, and he poured himself one as well.

“Amigo.” He held his glass and took his shot as I downed my three then sucked a quick bite of lime at the end. “Mese?”

“Sí.” I ordered two more shots and went to the back of the place and took a seat by the exit. Moments later, the shots arrived, and I finished those off quickly as well. It wasn’t often I ever allowed myself to drink like that, but I sure as hell needed it. There was so much at stake, and I needed my head on straight. The liquor calmed my head as I relaxed in my chair.

I leaned back and pulled out my phone, but my hand froze as I heard her voice. It filled my head and immediately brought back memories of us together I’d finally managed to push out. I looked over at Talya, who sat at a table with some men. No doubt they were some of her father’s clients.

Cresta de Burro was one of the best kept secrets in town, a place the tourists didn’t know about. A place a guy could drink in peace, and the fact that it was less than a minute from my house was a major perk. That she was here at all pissed me off, but that she was here with people from out of town burned even more. She wouldn’t have even known about this place if it wasn’t for me, and that made it worse still.

She caught my stare and pressed her lips together as she processed that I sat across from her. Then she tossed her hair over her shoulder and went back to the clients. She laughed and threw compliments at them as they sat around the table.

What were the fucking odds she’d be here tonight?

The lone waitress came by and handed me another shot.

“I didn’t order this.”

“I know.” She moved her gaze across the room to Talya and then placed a napkin in front of me and tapped on it. I saw the familiar handwriting.

Should I leave? Or will you throw me out again? - T

I scoffed at her note, downed the shot, and headed out back. I hoped the balcony would be less busy. It was just as busy and filled with locals, so I slipped into the back room in hopes I could find a quiet place to sort things out. I kicked the door shut hard, and it rebounded back. I reached to close it again when Talya stepped in. She had on a short black dress, her breasts proudly displayed as usual. She had her hair long and wavy like she had been caught in the rain.

I shook my head. I’d always loved that look on her. I knew I couldn’t be that close to her right now. She was quicksand for me. Talya and tequila had never been a good mix.

“Are you following me?” she asked quietly.


“Are you trying to hurt me?” Her eyes were beautiful as they studied me.

“No,” I rubbed my face, not needing this right now, “I never meant to hurt you.”

“You should have thought of that before you slammed the door in my face.” She moved closer, and I closed the door as she did. “I deserve an explanation, Eric.” She did, but I couldn’t give it to her. “You made me fall in love with you, then you shattered that love into a billion pieces. Is it that hard to let me in?”

“Yes,” I lied. I never wanted Talya to love me like I loved her.

“Wow,” she looked away and brushed away a tear with her fingers then let out a long breath, “you could have at least given me a chance to say goodbye.”

My head shot off in different directions, Castillo, Lexi, the fact that my house was crawling with men who would love a reason to put a bullet in my head, to—

I didn’t even notice that she had moved so close. Her hands slid up my chest and around my neck, and all the while my head spun off its axis and set off every nerve in my body.

One smell of her perfume and I crumbled. I bent down and hooked her lips with mine. One hand went under her thighs as I lifted her and sat her on the table. She pulled her dress up and pushed her panties to the side, then her fingers clawed at my belt until I was free.

This is a bad idea.

I didn’t wait for her to get ready. I knew if I paused, I’d stop, so instead I gave in to my weakness that was Talya and sank myself deep inside of her.

