Page 47 of Alpha

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“That’s the problem.” I leaned down and brushed my lips against her ear. “When you’re in the room, you’re the only thing I can focus on.” She used her free hand to caress my side and pressed her nearly bare breasts into my chest. They were so soft, and my hands begged to cup them. “You’re dangerous for me to be around.” I chuckled.

She pulled back, and her gorgeous eyes sparkled with dirty thoughts. “I think I want to solve that problem.” She sipped her drink then touched her bottom lip to catch a drop of wine.

“Don’t do that,” I begged, as it took all my control not to devour her. “You’re flirting with my control, Ivy.”

“Am I?” The corner of her mouth went up, and I snagged my arm around her waist and pulled her front to mine.

“This is getting painful,” my erection pulsed against her tight little body, “so between this and the fact that your breasts are on display not only for me but the whole rest of the bar, I’m about ready to throw you over my shoulder, take you back to our hotel, and remind you, Dr. Knight, that you are not single.”

“Is that a promise?”

“Yes, it is.” Her gaze slid down to my phone that had just lit up on the bar top. I saw her eyebrows twitch at what she saw. I scooped it up and opened three text messages from my sister. She wondered when we could meet up and would I bring Ivy to meet our folks.

Ty: Out of town. I’ll be in touch.

Shelly: I won’t hold my breath - xo

I cringed at her response because I knew she was right. Chances were I’d never respond. I hated that I was so distant with my family. I loved them, I knew that much, but I really didn’t know why I felt the way I did about them. I tucked that thought away once again and knew one of these times I was going to have to figure out that disconnect. I glanced at Ivy, who wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that she’d seen the texts. I didn’t comment, and she looked at me for a moment then said nothing. I appreciated that.

I looked away from her and surveyed the bar. The Rusty Nail was frequented by the military, but there were a lot of younger couples and a group of girls dressed to kill who noisily flirted with some guys at another table. It was a happening place.

Finally, the bar slowed a little and the bartender seemed to have a free moment. “Excuse me,” I called, and she moved down the bar to where we sat at the end. I leaned forward and spoke as quietly as I could. “Do you have a moment if I wanted to ask you something about your husband?” Her face fell, and she blinked a few times, but then motioned for me to step to the side with her.

“Don’t leave this chair,” I warned Ivy, who made a face at me then nodded.

“Look, I’m sorry for your loss, and I promise it’s not anything to disrespect you or him,” I started the conversation. “My name’s Ty, and I just could really use your help.” Her gaze swept the room, and she looked nervous, but at least she didn’t immediately say no.

“I have someone coming in to help me out in about fifteen minutes. You can meet me over there.” She pointed to a door that looked like it led out back.

“Thank you. I won’t keep you long, okay?” I tried for a kind smile.

“Do me a favor.” She leaned in. “Be careful who you talk to about Philip in here.”

“I’m only interested in talking to you,” I assured her. That seemed to relax her a little, and I left her and made my way back to Ivy.

Ivy’s hand reached for my arm as I climbed back on the stool next to her, and I instantly went to high alert. She spoke quietly into my ear. “Promise me you’ll behave?”

“Why?” The hair on the back of my neck rose as my sixth sense screamed at me to turn around.

“Please, keep your back turned.” She played it cool, but her voice told me otherwise. “Remember your promise that you wouldn’t cause any trouble when I was with you tonight, so don’t get into a fight. Promise me.” Panic laced her voice, and it took everything in me not to turn and find out why. Then I caught his face in the mirror over the bar. He sat by himself only a table away, but so far, he hadn’t spotted us.

“Ty, will you let me handle this? This could be your only opportunity to talk to that guy’s wife. He won’t do anything here, anyway. There’re too many witnesses.”

I hesitated but knew she was right. He was too much of a coward to do anything with people around.

“All right,” I nodded, “but if he even so much as says anything, you look my way and I’ll be there in a flash.” I could feel the hatred burn through me at the thought of her being anywhere near him. She squeezed my shoulder as she got up and quietly walked across the room as if looking for the restroom. She turned and walked back toward his table so she approached him at an angle that would take his view plane away from where I sat. I could still see his face. Smart girl.

She caught his eye as she walked toward him, and he looked up at her in surprise, half rising in his seat. I concentrated so I could read his lips in the mirror. The place was packed, so I figured he wouldn’t notice me at the bar, but I sat hunched over my drink a bit just in case.

“Dr. Knight, what in the world are you doing here?” I could just hear his nasally voice above the noise.

“Carson,” she snickered, “oh, wait, it’s Hill, isn’t it? I guess it really doesn’t matter who you are. You mean nothing to me.” I smiled to myself at how cool and collected she was.

“Now, Ivy,” he mocked her like a parent, “it was a simple misunderstanding.”

The bartender suddenly flashed me a quick glance then looked over at Ivy as she talked with Hill. I nodded slowly as though I understood her concern with Hill and placed my finger to my lips. She gave me a thoughtful look then moved farther up the bar.

“Save it, Hill,” I heard Ivy say as she waved him off.
