Page 54 of Alpha

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“Let me guess. It’s about the info my informant gave me and what happened in Rosarito?” I nodded and leaned against the table by the side wall.

“I’m sure you know a lot of things, and I’m sure you can’t share everything with them.”

“That’s right, I don’t.”

“But you trust your informants?”

“I do.” He hesitated, and I knew he was trying to decide whether to continue the conversation. I knew he certainly didn’t have to explain anything to me.

“You know I’m only trying to understand so I can do my job, but I totally understand if I’m overstepping.”

“I have informants all over the world, Ivy. Six informants in Rosarito alone,” he said as he leaned back in his chair. “Three Blackstone know about, and three they don’t and can’t know about.”

“Why?” I pressed.

“It’s my job to protect the men whenever they step foot on Mexican soil. I don’t share everything with them because it’s on a need-to-know basis, and they don’t need to know.”

“I understand.”

“Ivy, there are things I simply can’t share with the men. It would change how they view their mission. They probably wouldn’t like the idea of who some of my contacts are.” He gave a dark chuckle then held up a finger as I opened my mouth to speak. “Look, it’s just like how I can’t press you for all the things the men might share with you. It’s for their own protection. For you, too, for all of them.”

I knew I couldn’t argue with that.

“I know, I totally get it.” I flexed my back. “I just want you to know it’s playing on their minds. They feel they were fed the wrong information, and they don’t trust where it came from. They don’t need any more distractions right now.”

“Understood, Doc.” He gave a firm nod, and I knew our conversation was finished.

“Do you know where Ty went?”

“He saw someone he knew and headed that way.” He pointed to his left. “How’s Keith really doing?”

“Exactly how you’d think a Blackstone member would be in his situation.”

“Do I have any reason to pull him from the mission?”

“You don’t,” I gave my honest answer, “and if you did, I think the damage would be catastrophic. He needs to be involved.”

“Is that your professional answer?”

“Would it be anything different?” I raised a skeptical eyebrow.

“Very well.” He backed off. He needed to know I would never let personal feelings for a patient affect my judgement.

“I appreciate the talk.” I smiled as I tugged the strap of my heavy bag over my shoulder and headed out the door. I sent a quick text and hoped I made the right call.

When I turned the corner, I stopped short.

“Hello.” A man blocked my path and gave me a smile that rather reminded me of a vulture eyeing its prey. “Dr. Ivy Knight. I hoped we’d get to meet in person.” His brown hair was cut in the classic military style, but his brown eyes warmed his demeanor as he studied me.

“And you are?” I matched his repertoire. I thrust out my hand and waited for him to take it.

“Rivera. Donald Rivera.” I swallowed back my nerves and gave a polite nod. He wasn’t stupid; he knew I knew exactly who he was.

“Ah, yes, I’ve heard a bit about you, too.”

“I’m flattered.” He grinned wider and made me chuckle. He had a Mark feel to him. “I’m not shocked you have, with you being Beckett’s girlfriend and all.”

“I’m hardly that.” I was interested to know who fed him that detail.
