Page 55 of Alpha

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“Well, then, it’s my lucky day.”

“Perhaps.” I played along, curious to see where our conversation would go.

“So, where are you headed?” He shifted topics.

“Ah,” I checked the time on my phone, “I’m about to grab a very late lunch.”

“Great. I’m starved.” He moved next to me and offered his arm like a gentleman. “May I escort you?”

I hesitated then figured this might be a good chance to gain some information.

“I suppose that couldn’t hurt.” I switched my bag to the other side and cautiously put my arm through his.

He acted like a tour guide and had me in stitches as he made up fake names and jobs for the people I knew and greeted as they passed. He certainly had charm, and if the situation were different, I think I’d have hung out with him. He was light and funny, and, especially in my profession, that held its own appeal.

I grabbed a turkey sandwich, water, and an orange while Rivera decided on an apple.

“That’s your lunch, huh?” I made my point as we sat in the middle of the room. I chose a seat that faced the door like Ty always did. I didn’t want anyone to be able to sneak up on us.

“I had a late breakfast.” He chuckled as he sat across from me. “Maybe I just wanted to get you alone.”

“You’ve achieved that.” I eyed the room and took note of who was around us. My luck, Hill would approach, and things could go south quickly.

“Do I make you uneasy? Am I losing my charm?” He winked playfully.

“I was the one who agreed to this lunch.” I unwrapped my sandwich and took a bite and made sure I didn’t send any signals that I was the least bit interested in him. I knew I’d need to fuel my body for this conversation to stay sharp. Charming or not, he was still on Hill’s side. “And no, you don’t make me uneasy.” I figured I should add that last part.

“Thank God.” He made a show of acting relieved.

“Though I’m curious why you sought me out.”

“How long have you and Beckett been together?”

“Like I said before, we’re not dating.” I dabbed the corners of my mouth. “Why would you care anyway?”

“Besides the obvious?” He shrugged like his open flirting was natural for him. “I’ve known Beckett a long time, but I’ve yet to meet anyone he’d actually date.”

“Ty’s relationship status seems to be the topic of conversation a lot lately, and I’m really not sure what you’re going to gain by asking me that question.” I cocked an eyebrow at him as I chewed.

He leaned back in his chair and tapped his fingernail on the table. “I’m just trying to figure out if you were dating, how close you two are.”

I chuckled lightly. “That would be a pretty personal thing to ask someone you don’t know.”

“For fun, let’s say you are dating, because let’s be real, you’re gorgeous, and if I was lucky enough to work with you, I know it would be near impossible for me not to make a move on you. Also, I’d think, given your profession, you could get people to open up and share things. Share things they think are true but aren’t.”

“Is there a question here?”

“Has Beckett ever told you what happened on his last assignment?”

“I’m not his doctor.”

“Okay, but as a girlfriend or friend, did he ever share anything?”

“Yes. As a friend, Beckett and I talk, but just so we’re clear, I don’t dig inside my friends’ heads unless they ask me to, and he’s never asked.”

“I see. You’re a smart woman, Ivy. I’d think you wouldn’t play games.”

“You’re right, I don’t.” I eyed his nail as it drilled repeatedly into the ceramic surface. An uncomfortable heat crept around my neck.
