Page 57 of Alpha

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“Because—” He stopped himself.

“Because what? There’s a missing piece to this story, Rivera. And if I can see that, so will a judge.” I raised an eyebrow at him and felt his hold on me loosen. So, I went in for one last try. “Does Hill have something on you?” I tried to read his face. “Because that’s the only logical reason you’d want to help Hill send an innocent man to prison.”

“Stop.” He pushed me into the wall a little harder. “Just,” he came closer, “get Ty to back the hell off!”

“Rivera?” Dustin was suddenly behind him, and Rivera stepped back with a snarl.

“Jesus.” He shook his head like he was losing it then turned on his heel and left me wondering what would have happened if Dustin hadn’t shown up.

“Fuck, are you okay?” He came toward me, but I held up a hand to stop him. I didn’t have a whole lot of trust for any of them at this point.

“I don’t get it.” I sniffed as another thought came to me. “If Hill’s so scared of Ty, why doesn’t he just get his JAG lawyer brother to toss the case out?”

“His brother’s made some bad moves in the past. He wants to lay low. I don’t think he’s got the pull he used to,” Dustin muttered.

“That’s not what I hear.”

“Yeah, well, things aren’t always what they appear.” The way he held my gaze made me once again question why these two men were so loyal to Hill.

“There are no witnesses, no weapon, just he said, she said, so why is Hill that worried about Ty digging?” He picked up my bag from the floor and handed it to me. I took it without making contact. I was too wound.

“People get comfortable when they get away with stuff enough times,” he whispered.

“Dustin,” I shifted my bag, “does Hill have something on you and Rivera? Because—”

“You may want to leave, Doctor.” He cut me off and stepped back. He used his head to point. “Company’s comin’.”


I gave a quick nod and rushed out of the room as I spotted both Rivera and Hill heading my way.

My steps quickened as I burst through the doors with my stomach in my throat and ran right into someone.

“Ivy?” Ty grabbed my arms and stopped me from falling. “Where’ve you been?”

“Ty.” My voice gave me away.

“What happened?”

“Not here.” I grabbed his arm and tried to get him to follow me, but he read me like an open book. “Please, Ty, don’t do anything.”

He looked through the window, and I saw his shoulders stiffen. I knew he’d spotted the others.

“Ty, seriously,” I begged, “don’t go in there.”

“Tell me what happened.”

“I will, but we need to get out of here first, please.” He struggled and looked one more time through the window and swore. Then he took my hand and walked me away from the mess hall. I whooshed out a breath, relieved he was with me.

He found an empty office, closed the door, and listened to what I’d just gone through. The entire time, his jaw twitched, but he didn’t interrupt.

“You’re always talking about you listening to your sixth sense—your gut, right?” He nodded. “I’m telling you I feel that if we dig more into other tours Hill’s been on, we might find more evidence that he’s killed before. We might be able to get enough to at least have someone higher up look into it.”

“It’s worth a shot.” He rubbed his face and reached for my waist and pulled me to his chest. “I can’t have anything happen to you, Ivy. Promise me you won’t go off again, even if it’s here in this building.”

“I promise.” I wrapped his arms around my waist and relaxed, knowing I was safe.

My phone pinged, and I leaned back to pull it from my purse. I took a deep breath and turned it to show him the screen. He took it from my hand and read the text. “What did you do?”
