Page 80 of Alpha

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I changed direction with my fingers, and she grinned with a chuckle.

“I love being close to you,” she whispered. “Oh, Ty, that feels so good.” She dropped her head back and reached to stroke my erection. “How can I want something so badly, even though I just had it this morning?” She opened her mouth and drew in a huff of air as I sucked and nipped her along her collarbone. “I want more!”

I tugged and kicked my pants off my slick body, and she did the same. Then in a fever we both found our way and I pressed into her in a rush of explosive heat. One arm wrapped around her waist and my hand went around her throat. I was careful not to press; I just held her in place.

“Are you okay like this?” I growled in her ear as I slowed for a moment, and she nodded rapidly.

“Yes!” she screamed, clawing at my arm for anything to hold on to. “Do what you want.”

Her words sent me to a different head space. One I hadn’t allowed myself to go yet because I didn’t know if she was ready. I increased the speed, bit down on her shoulder, and showed her just how powerful my need for control was. She bucked and twisted with throaty moans and pleas to come. I nearly lost all sense of belonging as I let my inner alpha show its needy head. She was incredible. She was sexy as hell. She was all mine. Up until now, I never understood why I never cared about having someone in my life. But now I knew it was because I’d never met her yet. I would kill anyone who stepped in our way. I’d already taken down one asshole who’d dared to threaten her, and I’d do it again to keep her mine.

I pinned her with my hips and held myself deep inside her as I panted against her neck then let out a hungry growl. I needed her to feel me, I wanted to leave my mark before we had to separate when we left this shower.

I thrusted again when she began to speak, hard and fast. I claimed her as mine over and over again.

“I can’t, I can’t.” She started to thrash in my arms. “It’s so intense!”

I tilted her head back, and with her eyes locked on mine, I took over her head along with her body. I slid my hand down between her legs and rubbed the pad of my thumb in circles. She instantly climaxed as I held her tight in my arms, then I fought for my own release with deeper thrusts that lifted her off her feet. I exploded into her with a cry. My heart pounded wildly, and prickles of electricity shot through my body as I gave her everything I had inside. She was putty as I rode out the last few spasms. I held her to me, just needing an anchor after such a release. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she let all her weight press into me.

“Are you okay?” I kissed her temple as I lowered her onto her feet. She leaned her forehead into my chest.

“I—” She went to speak but stopped herself. “Ahh, that was incredible.” I wanted to ask what she really wanted to say, but when she smiled up at me, I could see there was nothing except satisfaction written all over her face.

“You made me lose my mind when you told me to do what I wanted.” I slowly slipped out of her and felt the loss the moment I did. “You woke a side of me that I keep locked down.”

She opened her mouth to say something but again held back and reached for the soap.

My phone caught my attention just then as it lit up on the counter. I rubbed the foggy door and saw Cole’s name come up.

“Shit,” I slid the door open and stepped out to read the message.

Cole: There’s been an update. Living room 20 minutes everyone.

I filled Ivy in on the message, and she nodded without comment and grabbed a towel. She was quiet as she left the bathroom. I followed her as I considered what this was about. She walked toward the bedroom door and opened it a crack. Her towel was wrapped tightly around her as she peeked out the door to see if it was all clear. It wasn’t often that anyone came up here, but now that Moore was two doors down, we had to be careful.

“Ivy?” I called to stop her from leaving. “Did I go too far?”

“No, not at all.” She gave me a smile, but there was still something there just under the surface.

“Then what’s wrong?” I pulled on my t-shirt. “Please don’t go. I know there’s something going on.”

She closed the door and turned around. “Okay,” she shook her head, “look, I know what I’m about to say is ridiculous, but regardless, I’m still a woman.”

“All right,” I closed the distance between us, “I’m listening.”

“I don’t do insecurity very well. I take pride in the fact that I can think rationally. So, the fact that I’m struggling—”

“Ivy,” I lifted an eyebrow at her, “spit it out.”

“You said you and Demi were strictly sex buddies.” I tried hard to not react at the sound of her name. “How we had sex just now, is that how it was with her, every time?”

I shook my head, completely blindsided by her question.

“You know what? I’m sorry. I’m over it just by asking it.” She stepped back, and I stepped forward. “I bet questions like that are why you avoid relationships in the first place.” She gave a nervous laugh.

“My God, Ivy, I was so far from thinking of Demi,” I blurted. “Sex with her was a release, nothing more, but sex with you is a connection, and one I crave more every day. Well, every time I look at you.”

“Okay.” She nodded. “I feel like a jerk for even asking that. It was incredibly unfair of me. I’m sorry.”
