Page 81 of Alpha

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“Hey,” I ran my fingers down her cheek, “you’re allowed to be human. Look how I handled it when your ex-fiancé was just talking to you. We’re jealous at just the thought that someone else was where we are now. There’s nothing wrong with that, but you need to tell me when you’re questioning something.”

“Now who’s the psychologist?” She pushed up onto her toes and gently kissed my lips. “Thank you.” Her arms wrapped around my neck and deepened the kiss. I knew I still had a few minutes before I had to be downstairs.

“Be careful,” I chuckled and pressed hard against her stomach, “I’ve got more left in me.”

“For the record,” she pulled back and ran her hands up my chest, igniting everything inside of me again, “I’ve never come so hard before.”

“Drop the towel.” My head clouded.

“You need to go and…” She leaned in and licked from my collarbone to my earlobe where she gave a little nibble. “Suck it, sucker. You’re it!” She hurried from the room with a throaty laugh.

“Seriously?” I called, and her laugh rang louder. My smile grew wider as I shook my head. She was good, so I knew payback would have to be epic.

Somehow, I got my head back on straight as I tugged on my clothes. I managed to make it downstairs with a few moments to spare. Ivy wasn’t far behind. It amazed me she could get dressed and look normal so quickly. She made sure to keep her distance as she joined the wives on the far couch. She glanced at me with a sexy smirk. I crossed my arms and threw a warning glance at her. She was playful and flirty, my favorite kind of woman. She’d better be ready, because I was coming for her.

It wasn’t lost on me that it was only Blackstone and the wives at this meeting. The staff were nowhere to be seen, and that made my senses perk up even more.

“I need everyone’s attention.” Frank stepped up to his usual spot by the stone fireplace and turned to us. “This involves everyone here in this room.” The room instantly grew silent. “We have confirmation that Lexi’s alive.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Savannah grab Ivy’s hand and look toward the kitchen where Keith stood with his shoulder against the doorframe. I knew Frank would have told him first. It was hopeful news, but I couldn’t imagine how hard it was for him all the same.

“How credible is this intel?” John asked from behind me.

“Extremely.” Frank held up an enlarged photo of Lexi. “My informant just let me know he was standing a mere ten feet away from her when this photo,” he shook the photo, “was taken.”

“Which was?”

“FortyForty-five minutes ago, in Rosarito.”

“So, why aren’t we on our way there now?” I stood as I asked the question. I could hear a few whispered comments around me.

“Hold on, hold on. We have to tread carefully here.” Frank handed the photo to Cole and held up his hands. “The informant warned me how precarious the situation is. If they think for even a minute we’re on to them, she’ll disappear into thin air again. From what I’ve been told, she’s at this location to be auctioned off.”

A few gasps could be heard around the room, and Savi put a hand to her mouth.

“We all know how valuable she’d be.” Frank eyed everyone in the room to leave that impression on all of us. “Once it’s done,” he continued, “my informant will know the route they’ll be taking when they leave the Castillo house. That’s our best play.”

“Martin Castillo has her?” Mark’s mouth dropped as he thought. “Yeah, boys, we need to play this waaay careful. He’s got more guys around him than the Pope.”

“Right,” Frank agreed. “There’s zero way of getting in or out of that place without lives lost. Especially when someone like Castillo brought them there. He’s totally unpredictable, and my informant warned me he doesn’t trust him to stick to the plan and open the bidding until it happens. He’s notorious for changing his mind like the wind. Castillo is paranoid. He’d kill anyone he suspected of anything without hesitation, including Lexi.”

“He killed his own sister last year just for talking to the chef at her own wedding,” John added to back up Frank. “If someone looks at him sideways, they’re gone. They’re right. We need to go into this extremely carefully.”

“We have one chance at this.” Frank cleared his throat. “Mike.” He gave a look.

“I’ll try again.” Mike pulled out his phone and walked into the kitchen as he put it to his ear. We could hear him say, “Sorry for the calls, Morgan, but I really need your help.” Mark whirled around to look at Frank when Mike mentioned Morgan’s name.

Who’s Morgan?

“When do we leave, Frank?” Cole pulled my focus from Mike.

“Pack what you need. The moment my phone rings, we’re out.” Frank stepped down and rushed out of the room while I stepped up to Cole.

“Cole, with all due respect, I can safely say I don’t mind sitting in a ditch somewhere to wait for instructions if it speeds things up.”

“I’m with you, but we have orders.”

“Copy that.” I stepped aside and looked for Ivy. She was next to Keith, talking quietly.

Savannah joined me. “Frank doesn’t want you to ship out until Mike speaks with Trigger. And I bet good money you’ll meet Trigger today.”
