Page 87 of Alpha

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“Because I don’t trust you.”


“Aren’t you hungry this morning?” Abigail peered down at my untouched plate. I’d been so focused on something I found on Hill last night I hadn’t even noticed she’d put my plate in front of me.

“I’m sorry.” I pushed my laptop away and stuck my pen through my hair to secure the strands that hung from my messy bun. “You were so kind to make this.” I smiled at her. “I’m just so close to something. It’s right there, but I just can’t get it. I guess I lost track of what I was supposed to be doing.”

“Anything I can help with?” She topped off my coffee to warm it up a little as I bit into the warm avocado, bacon, and egg sandwich. The flavors smothered my tongue, and I nearly moaned at how yummy it tasted.

“Oh, my, this is delicious.” I licked my lips, and she smiled. “Is there any chance you’ve been trained in entrapment?” I asked as I fought to get the stringy cheese in my mouth—very unladylike.

“Maybe,” she winked, “but I’ll tell you what, Savannah is pretty amazing at solving things, and she could sure use a distraction about now.”

“Good to know.” I nodded, wiped my mouth, and checked the time. “My friend Michelle should call at any minute. Can I ask you something personal?”

“Is this about your uncle?” She gave me a knowing eye.

“It is. Is it okay if we cross that line?”

“Of course.”

“How is it after all these years I’ve never met you or even heard about you?” I stumbled with how that sounded. “I’m sorry that came off as rude, I just mean—”

“No, it doesn’t,” she assured me. “I know what you mean.”

“Good.” It still felt rude.

“I think we’re just private people and have a very unique relationship.” She unfolded and refolded a cloth napkin. “I also think there’s a part of us that just isn’t very good at the whole dating thing. If we brought other people into it, it might just spook what we have. Plus, I’m fiercely independent and don’t want anything to change that.”

“I understand being careful in a relationship.” I really did, but there was a part of me that was hurt that Reid had never shared about Abigail. She was a great person and someone I would have loved getting to know. But I wondered if the situation with Ben hadn’t arisen, if I would have ever met her at all. I pushed aside my discomfort on the topic and tried to relate.

“I was engaged years ago, and though it ended better than most, I still think there’s a part of me that worries about any serious relationship.” I decided to share a little. “I love my job and work damn hard at being the best I can at it. I won’t let a man step in the way of that.”

“Any man worth his salt wouldn’t.” She nodded. “Maybe that’s why Reid and I work so well together. We both know exactly where the other stands when it comes to our passion for our work.”

“That’s good.” I forced a smile. The sting still hurt that one of the closest people in my life hadn’t fully let me in. It sat heavy in my heart. “Well, I should get going.”

“For the record, Ivy, September fourth, the color silver, nutmeg creamer, five stitches to your right knee due to a snow mobile accident at fifteen. He may have kept me quiet, but I know a lot about you. He loves you like a daughter and shared countless stories about you.” I couldn’t help but be warmed by that.

“For the record, he loves you, too.” I winked and gave a little wave then grabbed a coffee and headed toward my office. I felt a little better about Reid and Abigail. They weren’t going to change who they were, so it was up to me to get to know her better.

“Morning, Ivy.” My uncle fixed his collar using his reflection in a picture as he headed toward the kitchen. I couldn’t help but smile as I knew who he was going to go see. “How are you this morning?”

“Good. I just had a nice chat with Abigail.”

“Oh?” He avoided eye contact.

“Despite being a bit sulky about finding out the way I did, I’ll admit she’s quite lovely. She’s a lot like you, actually, but cooks a lot better.” I chuckled.

“I cook perfectly fine.” He lifted an eyebrow at my teasing. “I’m just limited at what I make.”

“Yes, under-cooked and cooked pasta are two completely different things.”

“Someone thinks they’re funny today, don’t they?” He gave me a pointed look. “I’m glad that I get to share her with you now. Abby’s as important to me as you are.”

“I know. I can see that. So,” I changed the topic, “besides the kitchen, where are you off to today?”

“I’m on the hunt for Keith. I have a few things I’d like to discuss with him. Any sign of him?”
