Page 21 of Grim

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“It’s too soon.” We can’t risk it. “We’re close, but I…”

“Okay, but you know I’m not a patient man, and I’ve been very, very patient. So,” he cleared his throat, and I knew he was as anxious as I was to move this case forward, “keep digging, but move it along faster.”

“I will,” I assured him. I wouldn’t stop until I found something. I also didn’t totally trust what we had so far. Although I trusted our witness, I wanted a backup. I’d seen too many cases go sideways because people made a move too quickly. I wanted a slam dunk on this one as much as he did. “Everything takes time, Cameron. We’ll get there.”

“That’s the problem, Simon. My time’s running out.”


“Jesus, Zara, he even made me run a scanner around his room to check for recording devices.” I sagged my tired body into the elevator wall and rested my arm as I held the phone. “The man is paranoid. I think the only reason I wasn’t patted down is my dress leaves nothing to the imagination.” I huffed a laugh.

“Well, it would make sense.” She lowered her voice. I knew she must have found something after her dig through Dad’s files. “He and Yen Hong made a deal at the start of the year, but something happened, ’cause it fell through.”

“Yen Hong, as in one of our biggest whales?”

“That would be him.” A whale was a high roller, basically a gambler who placed very large bets. They were our most important clients. “I’ll keep digging, but according to the phone logs, Salazar’s suddenly getting way more calls from Hong.”

“Shit, let’s make sure they don’t book on the same days.” I brushed my hair back over my shoulder.

“About that…” Her voice trailed off. “Salazar extended his stay, and Hong just booked for this Friday morning.”

“Damn.” I dropped my hand. “I appreciate the info.” I glanced at the numbers on the screen above the doors and saw the damn thing had skipped my floor. Odd. “Lemme call you back.”

The elevator door opened, and there stood Grim, legs apart. One hand was tucked in his pants pocket, the other behind his back. His head was tilted back ever so slightly. If he was anyone else, I might have felt an immediate attraction, but I was wise to his sexual postures. At least to some degree, I admitted, and forced my anger up.

“A word?” His voice was like velvet, and his gold eyes challenged.

“Since you overrode the elevator, I get the feeling I don’t have a choice?”

His mouth stretched into a know-it-all smirk, and I stayed put. He pulled out his black key card and reached inside the elevator door to slip it into a small slot meant for only a select few. The elevator would instantly go to that floor. As an owner, I knew he had one.

“Last night?—”

“Was careless on my part.” I didn’t want to have this conversation.

“So, you knew it was me.”

“Kind of hard to miss the cold eyes and cross.” I pointed under my eye.

“How’s the cheek?”

“It’s fine.” I hated the attention and broke eye contact at the memory. The last time he’d stared at me like that, he’d had his hands on me. “Anything else?”

“Are you always this rude?” I didn’t say anything, just raised my shoulders instead. He made a show of running his tongue along his teeth like I irritated him. I wasn’t sure why, but I enjoyed that I got under his skin. Maybe it was because most couldn’t or wouldn’t dare. “How do I know you won’t spill our little secret?”

“Why would I say anything?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe to get me out of the way?”

“Wow.” He was something else. “No, Grim, I won’t say anything because the bastard deserved it.”


“Great,” I muttered.

“Did you know him?”

