Page 23 of Grim

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His eyes went to my tight white tank top. It plunged deep and put my girls on display. Though, when were they not? The three of us worked together to nail down clients. My girls and I made a great team. No shame in that.

“You see that new dealer?” I gently stabbed the other half and nibbled on the end as I shooed his fingers away from my chest.

“I did, and again this morning.” He beamed as he pulled his hand back. He turned away with a deep, dramatic breath and opened the fridge. I rolled my eyes and laughed, but that was who Dale was. It was no surprise he’d already vetted the new dealer. He made it his personal challenge to vet any new staff member who let him.

“Did you hear Grimson Gates is back?” I used his full name to drive my point home. The spawn had returned to the lair. “Guess you’ll have some competition.”

“I always love a little competition.” He grinned and fingered the edge of my top as he looked at me like I missed something. “That being said, Grim Gates and I have very different tastes. He likes?—”

“Chef Dale,” Grim’s voice made me go still, and Dale’s face drained of color, “I was hoping to have a word with you this afternoon before the dinner rush.” His cold eyes moved to mine, then dragged down my front, to my crossed legs, and back up again.

“Yes, of course, Mr. Gates,” Dale nodded, “whenever you like. I’m free.”

“Three o’clock, then. I’ll meet you at my usual table.” Grim nodded. “Kenna,” he addressed me in an emotionless tone, “I believe Mr. Salazar is looking for you.”

“He’s at his golf game.” I stayed perched at the counter. “He isn’t due back for another two hours.”

“I believe he was looking for you.” His tone sharpened.

“He hasn’t called,” I held his gaze, “so he doesn’t need me.”

“Kenna,” Dale whispered and gave me a side-eye to be careful.

Grim cleared his throat and stepped forward. “Chef Dale, give us a moment.”

“Yes, sir.” He turned to leave and gave me an are you crazy look as he removed his apron and hung it on a hook. He eased past Grim and left us alone with a swinging door. I leaned over and snatched a strawberry from a silver bowl. I nipped off the end and was pleased how well it paired with the taste of brown butter that still lingered on my tongue.

Grim moved toward me, annoyance written all over his face.

“Shouldn’t you be entertaining your clients?” His pissed-off face when he entered had already let me know he’d had a shitty morning. After last night, I was ready to fight. “I don’t remember entertaining the staff in your job description.”

“I’m not on the clock for another forty.” I shrugged and finished off the berry. “My clients know that if they ever need me, I’m only a text or call away.”

“And Dale?”

“What about Dale?” I dried my fingers with a napkin.

“I don’t need you distracting him.”

“How was I distracting him, exactly?”

“You tell me, his hands were on you.” His gaze burned into mine.

“A lot of men put their hands on me.” I shook my head. “It’s a job hazard.”

“He should be focusing on dinner tonight.”

“Not that it’s any of your business…” I smirked at my choice of words because really it was. Besides, I knew it would piss him off greatly if I said it. “But I was helping him with tonight’s menu. Like I have done for the past year.”

He stepped closer, and his jaw visibly ticked. “You don’t get paid for that.”

“No, I don’t.” I hopped down and caught his gaze move to my breasts as they bounced. “There’s a lot I do that’s not my job, but I do it because I love it.”

He snagged my arm as I went to leave and towered over me with a look that could kill.

“Stay in your lane, Kenna.”

“Or what?” I challenged, but when his eyes went cold, I decided to ease up. “I’m not trying to step over a line here, Grim. I do my job and I do it well?—”
