Page 25 of Grim

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“Are you, now…” He shook my hand politely, but I could tell he was skeptical.

“I’ve seen you play at least four times. My all-time favorite was at the Topples Center in LA.”

“You saw that show?”

“I did, but I was sorry to hear about what happened when the show wrapped up.”

“I appreciate that.” He appeared to relax a little. “Seems to come with the job.”

“Seems to me, if you had somewhere to play that managed their security better, you wouldn’t have to think about people coming up on you like that.” I shrugged.

“Somewhere like Secrets Hotel?” He gave me a knowing look, but I also knew better than to show my cards just yet.

“Or the Wynn or the Mac. Hell, I’d even suggest the Taro at this point.”


“Yes. Vegas has thousands of people who run through the Strip on any given day or night, and tourists are our livelihood. We invest in only the best of the best to make sure our guests stay safe. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to be working at a hotel that lacked proper security and have something wild happen. We’d lose all we worked so hard to achieve.” I used all the words the media had printed about the Taro massacre a few years back.

“Didn’t the Taro have some kind of a murder?” He leaned forward in his chair, and I tried not to look satisfied he’d taken the bait.

“Not a murder, murders,” I made a worried face, “but that was a mafia hit, and I’m sure since then they’ve changed things up.” Thanks to Trigger and the Devil’s Reach, the mafia never got far before they were dragged to the desert and slaughtered. That was a big moment for Trigger. He certainly had made his presence known and that he was taking over Vegas as his territory.

“Maybe, but after Topples, my head’s still pretty messed up.” He waved his hand. His fingers were decorated with several obnoxious gold rings.


“Tell me, Kenna, what do you do here?”

“I’m a host for an array of clients. I also run interference with them and our hotel lawyer.”

“So, you work with some pretty high rollers.”

“High rollers who will pay good money to hear amazing music.” I winked.

“I like you.” He laughed and tipped his beer up to finish off the rest. I felt a sudden warmth behind me. Like heat from the Grim Reaper.

“Miss Lodge.” Grim moved up to my side and looked down at me, stone-faced. I could only image what he was screaming behind that mask. “I see you’ve met DJ Clay.”

“Yes, I was keeping him company while you took your phone call.”

“Well,” Grim rolled his watch over and looked at the time, “shall we move on to the hotel?”

“You’ll love the hotel.” I leaned forward with a dazzling smile. “It’s going to be spectacular. The color scheme is wonderful. There’re even some shades of red that the painters are playing with that will set the tone of the hotel to a T.” I gave Grim a huge smile. He knew I referred to the blood pool from the other night that had no doubt seeped into the concrete. A stab to the aorta would do that.

“Actually, Kenna, why don’t you come along?” DJ Clay asked as he held out his arm.

“Kenna has a client she needs to see. He should be back from his golf game by now.”

“Good news, Mr. Gates.” I batted my eyelashes at him. “He just called and told me he’ll be a few more hours. I guess he met up with some friends who’ve joined him on the green.” I silently thanked Zara for sending some of our best escorts to keep Mr. Salazar busy. “I’d be honored to join.” I took his extended elbow.

“Excellent.” He nodded at Grim, who forced a smile. One that faded when he moved his murderous gaze to me.

Two can play at this game.

DJ Clay and I led the way. I caught Minnie’s wide eyes as I passed by her with Grim hard on our heels.

Once outside, the stretch Hummer pulled up, and I stepped back to wait for DJ and his entourage to pile in. My skirt was short, and I wanted to wait to sit on an end so I could hop out first and not flash anyone.
