Page 35 of Grim

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“She’ll be there,” Grim bit out before I could tell Sonny that Jim had offered me the chance to work at both hotels if I wanted. Just as long as I funneled the older clients toward Indulge and the younger ones to Secrets. Vegas needed something for the older, more established guests, but there had to be something more fast-paced and wild for the younger generation.

“Excellent.” He grinned at me. “Now you have my full attention.”

“And on that note,” Salazar stood and buttoned his jacket, “I need to get going.” He tossed his napkin on his plate. “Kenna, it was an unexpected pleasure. I’ll leave you to your meeting with Mr. Conti.” He turned to Grim. “Mr. Gates, I’m very glad you were able to join us tonight.” I knew there was more to that comment; Salazar was an intelligent man.

“Me too.” Grim stood to shake his hand.

“I’ll be in touch.” Sonny smiled and waved at Salazar from where he sat. I’d put good money that Salazar saw Sonny for what he was. Not someone to get too wrapped up with.

“Miss Lodge’s schedule with her clients is quite full right now.” Grim jumped right back into the conversation.

“Of course, I always find time for my regulars,” I added. I wasn’t sure what Grim was doing, but if I had to sell myself right now to get Sonny to sign on for either hotel, I would.

“And just what does a regular need to do to get your attention?” Sonny draped his arm along the back of my chair and leaned closer. My shoulders tensed, but I played it cool. I was used to men like this.

“The more money you play, the more of me you get to see.” I finished off my wine, but as I set my glass on the table, he filled it up again.

“Just how much do I get to see?” He wiggled his eyebrows, and I looked away and popped open my purse and pulled out the contract. He plucked it from my fingers and held it up.

“Let’s move this party to my room.”

“Don’t misunderstand me, Mr. Conti. I handle all my business professionally–"

“I promise you I’ll make it worth your?—”

A sudden darkness blocked my view of Sonny as Grim leaned between us.

“If you want an escort sent to your room, I’m sure your host here would be more than pleased to get you one.” He pulled me out of the chair as Sonny rose.

“Don’t overreact, Grim. I don’t want an escort. I just want Kenna to come have some fun.” Sonny laughed and held up his hand. “Seems to me there was a time you liked to have some fun yourself.”

“Kenna’s still on the clock,” Grim kept his grip on my arm, “and a client just arrived at the hotel that she needs to get situated.”

Sonny moved in front of us, but Grim had at least a foot and half on him.

“Think wisely, here, Sonny,” Grim growled. “I can make or break your time in Vegas.”

Sonny’s mouth twisted with anger, but he thought better of taking Grim on.

“I’ll be in touch with my decision, Kenna.” Sonny held up the contract, and I was surprised Grim didn’t snatch it from his hand. I nodded when Grim looked over at me but didn’t dare speak. There was playing Grim at this game, and there was just being stupid. The added level of violence that had suddenly been tacked on to the game warned me to stay quiet.

“The next time you want a meeting with Miss Lodge, expect me to be there.” Grim moved his hand to my lower back and urged me forward.

He rushed us out of the restaurant, through a sea of people looking to party at the nearby casino, and out into the lobby. I caught Jesse, his right-hand man, and a few of Grim’s other security behind us in the reflection of the shop windows. I hadn’t even known they were there, but it didn’t surprise me.

A limo waited at the bottom of the steps, and the driver opened the door as Grim ushered me inside. He said something to Jesse then ducked inside and sat across from me. I took a moment to collect myself and admire the limo. It was insanely gorgeous, and I had been in my fair share of limos before. The seats were made of the softest leather, a fully stocked top-shelf bar was behind glass doors, and the under-glow lighting was low and sexy. I wasn’t sure why he had chosen his limo and not a town car, but it was spectacular. The only thing that disconcerted me was the horseshoe-style seats made us face one another, and his steel cold eyes were locked on mine. He seemed to vibrate with anger. I remained quiet for a few minutes while my mind spun. I was embarrassed, pissed, and confused all at the same time.

“You embarrassed me back there,” I muttered. “I had it under control.”

“Did you?” He didn’t miss a beat as he fired back at me.

“You know, all the time you’ve been gone,” I crossed my legs as we eased onto the main road, “I’ve been doing this job, here, there, abroad. This isn’t new to me. Sonny is just like every other asshole out there. Men are driven by sex, so I use my assets to get what I want. I know how to conduct myself.”

“That’s not how you should be conducting business.”

“Really?” I scoffed. “First, I always conduct my business professionally, like I reminded Sonny a few moments ago. Second,” I sat straighter, “it’s Vegas, Grim, land of money, power, and sex. I didn’t hear you or your father complain when I brought in Yen Hong, Ahmed Adil, or Dylan Benjamin.”

“That’s different.” He yanked at his tie.
