Page 43 of Grim

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The crowd went insane, the bell could barely be heard, and my arm was tossed in the air as the winner for that round.

A movement in the crowd caught my attention, and I saw Calli Tame making a beeline for someone. Then I saw who it was. Kenna. A fight broke out between them.

“Last up!” The announcer said his name, but I blocked him out. The crowd screamed louder, but I was focused on Kenna’s hands that were up as she tried to get her sister to back off. Minnie was by her side in a flash. Calli gave them both the finger and whirled around. She stomped angrily to Simon, who stood by the door. What the hell was that about?

I felt the footsteps as he stepped in the ring and turned to find Melvern Trident, Jr. His name alone made me want to punch in his pretentious face. Melvern was the youngest son to the Mac hotels with an ego the size of Texas. He also had a huge chip on his shoulder when it came to the Devil’s Reach. He and I were oil and water in business. In the ring, he was determined to take me. Normally I’d make a show of embarrassing him, but tonight I was finished here.

“Let’s go, Reaper,” he hissed, and I hit him fast and hard in three places. A hit between the neck and collarbone, another under the armpit, and a kick to his ankle. He crumpled like a piece of paper, knocked out cold. The place went silent then went nuts.

I didn’t wait for the bell or the announcement. I knew I’d won the club a shit ton of money tonight. To us, it wasn’t just about the money. It was the fact that every tournament the club won drew in that many more people. More people meant more business right across the board.

I jumped down and pushed through the crowd and out to the hallway to my private room. I showered and got dressed in record time.

“That was somethin’.” Trigger leaned on the wall as I came out of the bathroom. “Feel better?”

“No.” I fastened my watch.

“Need any help?”

“Remember Alina Li?”

“Your crazy ex from Singapore?”


“How could I forget.”

“Well, apparently her name is being connected to Tupot’s construction company.”

“Shit.” He knew all too well what Alina was capable of. “She didn’t take your leaving very well.”

“I know.” I rubbed my head and thought how I attracted the crazies. “I think I need to pay her a visit.”

“You want to return home in pieces?” He chucked darkly.

“Anyway, have you heard anything else about the Stripe Backs and Minnie’s place?” I asked as I shrugged on my jacket. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. You’d never know I’d just gone nine rounds in the ring other than my battered hands. He shook his head.

“Morgan caught two of ’em headin’ this way last night. It’s why we’re back. Followed them to the Strip then lost ’em.”

“I’ll mention it to my guys, make sure they watch for them.”

“Appreciate it.” He nodded. “Tess has some shit to sort out at the house because of the renovations. I ain’t leavin’ her here with rats around.”

“Understood.” I checked my phone and saw a call from Leo. He could wait.

“Got Cooper runnin’ the club for a bit. We’re here a while.”

“Good plan.” I could feel his eyes on me as I tucked my gun in my waistband.

“Trig,” Rail came through the door, his normal cig hanging from his lips, “Minnie’s got identical triplets here! Flown in from Brazil.” He rubbed his hands and could hardly contain his excitement. “Wanna go up top?” He pointed to the ceiling.

Trigger looked at me and shrugged. I figured, why the hell not. Fighting hadn’t relieved anything, but maybe a female could. Well, multiple females.


“What about this?” Tess held up a man’s white dress shirt. “You looked good in it last time.”

Minnie smirked. “Like a wet t-shirt contest, but in a man’s shirt. They’ll love it.”
