Page 50 of Grim

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My phone buzzed.

CM: Leaving his house now. Fifteen minutes.

I turned my phone over when Calli sat down in front of me. She rubbed her shoulder.

“What happened to you?” I sipped my coffee.

“Knox.” She rolled her eyes. “He wanted to try rope play.”

“Ah.” I nodded and twisted my nose at the coffee. It was too strong. “How many rounds did you go?”

“Three.” She sighed dramatically. “Thankfully, one of the girls showed up and took over. I swear he’d hire a necrophiliac for when he’s dead.”

I chuckled. “Thanks for that image. So, you’ll be too tired tonight?”

“For you?” She grinned. “Never.”

A few women flocked to Grim as he came into the hotel. I saw Kenna slip around a corner before he could see her. She was an exception; the guy drew females like a magnet. Most likely it was because he barely gave them any attention. For some strange reason, there were women who seemed to like that in a man. Not me. I was all romance. Hearts and flowers kind of guy. There was a time I drove two hours just to get a girl her favorite cookies from a mom-and-pop bakery. I remember they were shaped and frosted like daises with a sparkly center. She claimed only that place made them perfectly. I pushed away that memory. That was a different time. I was still a hopeless romantic, just a broken one now.

“Calli?” I pulled her attention from the selfie she was taking with my coffee.


“What’s Jayden Wallace like as manager of the super hosts?”

“He’s like any other rich kid in Vegas.” She tapped her long fingernails against her phone screen. I reached over and lowered her phone and gave her a pointed look to be with me in this moment and not with her online friends.


“Meaning,” she tucked her phone away, “he does his job. He just doesn’t really do his job.”

“I don’t speak twenty-four, hun.”

“Okay,” she closed her eyes like she searched for the right words, “if you work for the Gates family, you have to have an edge.” She rolled her eyes. “Someone who can do their job without even thinking about it. Jayden’s there to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. You know like that white stuff people put along their tiles in the bathroom.”

“Caulking?” I chuckled. “You’re saying he’s a seal to make sure nothing gets missed.”

“Yes, caulking.” She rolled her eyes again. “He’s good with the little details, but that’s about it. The only reason he’s got that job is because of his father. That’s his edge. And because he keeps his eyes and ears open. He watches people then rats on them.”

“Okay,” I waited a beat, “how do he and Kenna get along?”

“Have you met my sister?” She made a face.

“She must be great at her job, or she wouldn’t be a super host here at Indulge.”

“I…” She paused to think. “Kenna’s good at what she does, but,” she held up a finger as my smile widened, “one of these days she’s going to get herself into trouble with the kinds of clients she has.”

“They’re our clients, too,” I pointed out.

“Sure, but we’re defending them. Keeping them out of jail. She parties with them, fills their every want and need. Probably sleeps with them all.” She stuck out her tongue.

I shook my head. I knew Kenna wasn’t that kind of hostess. I also knew she was one of the best. She kept her clients in line and fulfilled their desires by handing them off to those who were good at whatever it was they asked for.

“And let’s not forget who she hangs around with,” Calli continued. “She has friends in low places. Besides, Kenna’s mouth always gets her in trouble. I told you how she spoke to Grim last night. I still can’t believe he didn’t fire her ass on the spot.”

“Yes, that surprised me, too.” Grim liked things to go his way.

“As for Jayden, all he sees is that she’s better at her job than he is. Plus, he’s been in love with her for as long as I can remember. He’s all sweet with her, but she just brushes him off. Asshole sister, remember.”
