Page 62 of Grim

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“I guess, yeah. Did her mother purposely pick a stripper name, or did she change it?” I rolled my eyes and hated her even more.

“Didn’t care to ask.” He winked. “What about her?”

“How far did you get with her?” He glanced at me again, and I got it. “She any good?”

He chuckled. “Solid six, I guess.”

“Why a six?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“A client spotted her in the pool yesterday, and before I recommend her, I figured I’d do my homework.” That was a lie, but it was a white one.

“Smart.” He shrugged. “She’s cute and all, but she’s a talker, doesn’t have much suction, but biggest complaint, one that might actually work in your favor, is she’s also a stage six clinger. So, if you’re looking to get some free time away from a client, she’s your chick.”

“Good to know.”

“Yeah, it took me a while to point her in Danny’s direction.”

“Yeah, thanks a lot, man.” His line chef grimaced.

“Anything else?”

“She’s looking for someone to take care of her,” Danny snickered as he flipped a piece of salmon over on the grill, “so flash some money around and she’ll come running.”

“Appreciate the insight.” I waved and headed out of the kitchen.

“Just the chick I wanted to find.” Minnie snagged my arm and pulled me away from the kitchen. “You want to tell me about last night?”

“I’m not following.”

“I mean about how you said Grim was going to be upset with you. What happened?”

“It was a misunderstanding with a client being an asshole. Grim doesn’t want me working on his contract anymore We got it cleared up.” I felt like an ass giving her the CliffsNotes version, but I was just too done with it to discuss the whole thing with her.

“Oh, you mean Sonny Conti.” She waved her hand.

“Minnie,” I decided to share this part, “be careful, okay? Sonny’s dangerous.”

“Girl, please.” She folded her arms over her ripped Metallica t-shirt. “Who do you think tipped Grim off that Sonny was going to try something with you?” My mouth dropped open, but then I realized who I was talking to and closed it. “Morgan had a run-in with Sonny in Arizona a way back. Then when he heard about what he was up to he told me to go to Grim or he’d do it himself. I figured you’d appreciate me telling. I mean if you weigh the options of being locked in the elevator versus what Morgan suggested Grim would do.” She shrugged. “Seemed a slam dunk.”

“You heard about that, did you?” I dropped my head. I loved that Morgan was always looking out for me. The fact that he was also a good friend of Grim’s didn’t factor in a whole lot. I tried not to hold it against him, anyway. Minnie told me once that Grim and Morgan had taken out a small MC in Phoenix that tried to mess with Trigger’s half-brother Zay. They’d roughed up Zay’s girlfriend and all hell broke loose. The result was quite impressive.

“Listen, Grim will get over the Sonny thing or he’ll kill him. Either, or.” She shrugged. “So now that I know that, tell me why you took off like a jackrabbit last night.”

“No.” I started to walk away, but she stepped in front of me.

“Kenna, we need to talk about that.”

“You said you handled it all, right?”

“Yes, of course I did. You know I’d never let anything happen to you.”

“Thank you.” I swallowed past the lump in my throat. “See. There, we talked about it, and it’s over with.”

“Kenna, I need a little more than that. You told me to call you from the club when?—”

“I know what I said, Minnie.” I looked around in case anyone watched us. “And I know I put us in a bad situation, and that was never my intent, but it’s over with now, and things need to go back to normal.”

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