Page 73 of Grim

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“May I ask you something?”

“Of course.” I smiled.

“How did the rest of your evening go with Sonny Conti the other night?” I was caught off guard because my mind was on Yen Hong.

“It didn’t last much longer after you left.” I sighed as I remembered how tense everything had been. “I must say I’m surprised. I didn’t expect a man like you would entertain the idea of doing business with a person like Mr. Conti.”

“One must never pass up an opportunity that’s presented until you feel things out.” He thought for a moment. “Sonny had a few business deals that sounded interesting, but it didn’t take long to see he was all talk. He seems to be a man who lives in the moment.”

“He’s not someone I would normally work with either, but it wasn’t my choice.”

“I think you handled yourself very well.” He smiled politely.

“Thanks.” I smiled despite my discomfort with the topic and decided to dive right into Yen. “You know I only want what’s best for my clients.”

“I do.” He seemed sincere. “Thank you,” he said to the cute little waitress who held out a tray with a warm smile.

“Are you and Yen Hong all right?”

He looked away, and I noted his fingers flexed. “It’s just business. We were both going for the same thing, I won, and he wasn’t happy about it. Then the contract fell through, but by the time Hong found out, someone else stepped in and snatched the deal. It’s created some animosity, but nothing time can’t fix.”

“All right, because you’re both my clients, and it’s my job to ensure the two of you are happy. I need to know I’m not going to be caught in any crossfire.”

“You have my word, Kenna, you won’t be.” He took a drink and downed about a quarter of it. My stomach hurt at the thought.

“Well, I’ll see you later.” I gathered my purse that hung off my chair.

“Thank you for today.”

“Sure thing.” I checked my watch and knew I needed to get ready for dinner. “If you need me, you know how to reach me.” I patted his arm and quickly left. I knew I was going to be late if I didn’t get a move on.

“You’re Kenna, aren’t you?” The cute little waitress who had served Salazar stopped me in the lobby.


“I know you don’t know me. I work here, of course, but I also pick up shifts at the Venetian. I wanted to tell you something.”

“Okay. What is it?” I gave her an encouraging smile.

“Well, I was working the tables next to you when you were having dinner the other night. I overheard Sonny Conti talking to a friend after you left. I can’t be sure, but I think this friend was waiting to join you guys upstairs after.” I swallowed past the lump in my throat. This wasn’t going to be good.

“I see.”

“You should know you’re on his radar.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, he told his friend he was angry that Mr. Gates had embarrassed him and messed up their evening with you. He said he was going to get his time with you. It didn’t sound very nice, if you know what I mean.”

I was shocked. Sonny was flirty, but he’d never made a move on me. He usually ignored me when there were other women around. It was why I’d agreed to try to get him to sign on with Indulge. I would have thought I was far from that man’s radar even more now that Grim stepped in.

“Thanks for that. Is there anything else?”

“There’s one more thing. Sonny caught me when I walked by his table and asked where you went on your time off. Of course, I said I didn’t know.”

Shit, like I wasn’t looking over my shoulder enough already.

“All right,” I dropped my head and tried to process what she’d told me. “I hang out at Distill, a local bar off the Strip.”
