Page 86 of Grim

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I tilted my mirror to avoid the sun behind me to keep the other bikes in view.

“Here we go.”


I felt my heart pound in my chest at the thought of breaking some bones. The sheer disappointment I’d felt when the biker chose death by truck was slowly replaced by pure adrenaline at the chance of a fight. The flames that rose above my hotel now burned in my memory, and it fueled my anger.

We peeled into the parking lot, hopped off our bikes, and prepared to shed some blood.

I flicked my gun at a delivery driver when he came back outside for another box of chips. His eyes went wide, then he disappeared back inside.

We all knew Slade, the owner of the bar, and we knew he was in with everyone as it served his business, and that meant we couldn’t count on his help. He’d protect his place at all costs, so the odds wouldn’t necessarily go in our favor. The fact that we’d obviously been lured here didn’t sit right either.

“Rail.” Trigger pointed to a particular spot. I knew he wanted him out of sight. “Just fucking start shooting when I say so.”

“You had me at just fucking start.” He chuckled darkly and pulled two compact rifles from his bike.

I cracked my knuckles at a look from Trigger and nodded at him. None of us knew the direction of the threat; there were multiple options. Nor did we know how many we’d face. Then we heard them. Trigger popped his neck, and Brick’s eyes flicked to mine as the bikers traveled toward us. Trigger gave a soft whistle and held up a hand to Rail to be ready. The motors shifted down. I squared my shoulders as we all raised our weapons and prepared to fire.

They turned off the road, revved their engines, and some jumped off their bikes and pulled their weapons.

“We need to talk!” one of the men called with his hands out to his sides. He slowly got off his bike and began to walk toward us. He held a gun, so I stood up and aimed between his eyes.

“No.” I shot him in the head then ducked as they began to fire their weapons.

A bullet zipped by my shoulder, and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t been hit. The guy had shitty aim.

“If you’re gonna shoot, don’t fucking miss!” I shot him in the throat when his head peeked up from behind the vehicle again. Meanwhile, all hell had broken loose around us. I dove behind a truck where Trigger had taken cover. He grinned at me then took aim and continued to fire. We were sick fuckers and lived for moments like this. The dirt kicked up around us. Rail sprayed bullets, taking out two men. More bike engines could be heard, and soon came pouring into the parking lot. We were wildly outnumbered, but the rush of madness that ran through me made it all worth it. I ducked under the truck and shot a guy in the ankle, then when he stumbled out into the open, I shot him in the chest. Another bullet zipped by my head, and I laughed as I sent the shooter to meet his maker.

Morgan and Rail were across the way firing rounds at anyone who shot back. It was a bloodbath.

“Wait, wait!” A guy waved a shirt, and Trigger yelled at us to hold off.

“What the fuck!” I yelled in frustration as I reloaded.

“Easy, Grim,” Trigger warned.

“Don’t shoot. We have orders to talk to you!” The guy stood slowly, then turned, and warned the men to hold up. He tossed his weapon to the ground, and Trigger and I did the same.

“Go ahead, Grim, this one’s yours.” I nodded at Trigger and stood and began to walk toward the guy. When I was close enough, I drilled my fist into the side of his head. He stumbled and fell but stood back up with a head shake. The men behind him seemed to waver, and a few took a step forward.

“Rail!” Trigger called, and a shot hit the ground in front of them. They stopped.

“Like I said,” the guy rubbed his jaw and glanced at the dead men around him, “we’ve got orders to talk to you.” He turned to the men around him. “If any of you fire, I’ll kill you myself.”

“Since when do we talk?” I drove my fist into his stomach, and he doubled over but still managed to stay on his feet.

Trigger often spoke about how he slipped into the black when he fought. I’d never been forced to fight the way he had. I fucking fed off the pain like an addict. I ran into a fight like it was my next fix.

The asshole muttered something in Spanish then launched at me.

I needed this. I elbowed him in the cheek, and as his head went down, I drove the heel of my palm into his nose. The sound gave me a delicious shiver. I spun on my heel, and as I turned, I grabbed his neck and pulled him back over my bent knee about to snap his spine.

“Don’t touch me!” Her voice broke through my murderous rage, and I held the man mid-kill as I tried to process it. My chest heaved as I felt a new kind of venom course through me. Kenna stumbled out of the bar with a gun to her head. The Stripe Back grabbed her hair and yanked her backward. When her wild gaze found mine, I could see the terror in her eyes. I blinked slowly as my own lids heated and shifted my brain into a different mode. I could feel my pupils shrink.

“Like he said,” a man with a full black beard and a scar running the length of his neck stepped out behind them, “we just wanna talk.”

“New Pres,” Trigger grunted behind me. “Grim.” His voice held a warning.

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