Page 98 of Grim

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“Of course. Who’s the client?”

“Tom Harris. He’s a tech billionaire, and word is he isn’t happy at the Venetian anymore.”

“Sure. It’s basically what I do, anyway. I’m not sure why he didn’t ask me.”

“It was something he wanted me to handle myself since he can’t.” He looked a bit guilty. “I kind of have this date.”

“You don’t need to explain. I’m more than happy to help. That’s what I’m here for.” I was pleased to hear Leo was going out. He needed to have some fun. I heard a few rumors that his first run down to Mexico to close Grim’s accounts hadn’t gone so well. I knew, like me, he spent a lot of time trying to prove to his father, not to mention his older brother, that he could handle the business. An attractive young man like him should take the time to have fun with the ladies.

“Thanks, I could really use a night out.”

“I hope you’re not working too hard.”

“Just a lot going on.” He shrugged, and I saw something heavy cross his face.

“I hope everything’s okay with you.” I sent his earlier comment back to him.

“It’ll be okay.” He smiled. “Anyway, I was just speaking to Knox, and he’s doing up a new version of our contract. Since the fire, there’ve been a few changes. I’ll get him to email a copy to you within the hour.”

“Perfect. I got this.” I grinned. “Go have some fun.”

“Thanks! I will.” He grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. As he left, I called Zara, and she filled me in on everything I needed to know about Tom Harris.

* * *

I wined, dined, and partied on a rooftop with Tom Harris until the sun came up. The Weekend’s mysterious, dark music and Harry Styles’ soul set the mood for a great time. I really was living my best life. It turned out, Tom was a pretty fun guy and had equally fun friends. They were respectful and made sure I was well taken care of. To say they’d make excellent guests at Secrets was an understatement. They were full-time gamblers, and money flowed like water from their wallets.

Apparently, Grim had a whole thing planned for them in Laguna, but they wanted to party here in town instead. The only issue I had was that Knox was supposed to send over the contracts, and that never happened. I figured he got hooked up at Minnie’s with his pals soaking his liver in tequila with his face stuck in some stripper’s breasts or he was with Calli. Both were equally as bad. He certainly wasn’t Leo, and I wondered what his brother would say if he found out he hadn’t sent the contract over.

Thankfully, I had the frame of mind to record us when we discussed the contract and how he’d wanted to sign that night. I assured him I’d get the contract asap because nothing was ever certain without a signature. I texted and called well into the next morning.

By four-thirty in the morning, I still hadn’t gotten hold of Knox. I’d called several times and left messages. I had called one of his friends, then called his father, but even Jim never called me back. I even went so low as to call my own father, who I knew would give me the world’s biggest lecture about going to meet a potential client without a contract at hand, but even his phone went straight to voicemail. This was Vegas and no one ever cared what time it was. If it was anyone but Leo who asked me to handle this situation, I would have thought I was being played, but Leo was too kindhearted for that. I wished I had Jesse’s number. I needed to make a note of that.

“I think I need sleep.” Tom leaned his head back on the couch from where we sat next to the pool. Shit, my guests were winding down. It didn’t help that they’d told me Melvern Trident Jr. from the Mac Hotel had entertained them the night before so now they were running on fumes. Thankfully, like most people who met Melvern, they didn’t like him, so I wasn’t overly concerned about that. But shit could happen, and I needed that damn contract.

“Let me get you some rooms at Indulge.” I tried not to beg.

“Don’t trouble yourself, Kenna, just a car back to the Venetian would be fine.”

“Of course.” I cursed inwardly.

With no other moves to make, I called Grim; this was, after all, what he wanted.

The line rang three times, and just as I was about to hang up, I heard a female’s voice.

“Grim Gates’ phone,” she yawned.

“Hi. This is Kenna Lodge. Is Grim there?”

“He’s in the shower. Can it wait?”

“No, it can’t, actually.” I felt uncomfortable as I pictured her on the same sheets as me.

“Well, Jenna, he’s had a long night.” I rolled my eyes when she said my name wrong. I knew for a fact Grim had it programmed correctly in his phone. “Once he’s out, I’ll be sure to let him know you called.”

“Right,” I glanced at Tom, who fought to keep his eyes open, “this really is time sensitive, though.” I couldn’t let all the work I had done go to waste.

“Maybe you should try his secretary, or his younger brother Knox. I know he’s been helping Grim with his business.”
