Page 114 of The Heart Stealer

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“I love you,” she murmurs against my lips.

Rolling onto my back, I pull her close. She’s a snug fit, molding into my side perfectly.

Playing with the hairs on my chest, she paints circles and lines while we talk in hushed tones.

The day slips away from us as memories are shared and dreams are built.

She tells me about the bakery and what her mom said.

I agree and start getting all excited for her, picturing her talents on display for all of Nolan to enjoy.

“You’ll have a line around the block for your food.”

She giggles, kissing my shoulder before finding a perch on top of me. I rest my hands on her ass, loving the way it curves and molds beneath my fingers.

Her green eyes drink me in like I’m special, her wide lips rising into a cautious smile. “You sure you’re okay about me moving out? You get it, right?”

“Ray, you don’t need my permission. It’s your life, and you can do what you want with it.” I brush her bangs to the side with the tips of my fingers. “I’m just grateful I get to be on the ride with you, you know?”

Her eyes start to glisten.

“Sure, I love waking up beside you, but I can still do that at your place, right? And you can stay here sometimes too.”

“Definitely.” She kisses my chin.

“I’m not saying I won’t miss you or that I’m not sad over you leaving, but it’s a good thing. You and Mick will have some space, and I’m just down the road if you need me.”

“I know.” She sits up, showing off her perfect tits.

It’s impossible not to reach for them.

I cup them, giving them a gentle squeeze as she nestles her pussy over my cock. It’s already getting hard, the thought of round three making the guy all excited.

“Truth is, I’ve been a little scared to leave you.” Her lips twitch into a quick frown while something in my chest swells. “Even though you’ve taught me how to fight and defend myself, I still sometimes get these moments of total fear, where I think I can’t do this without you. But… Mom says I’m strong and capable, and logically I know she’s right. But I have to move out to prove to myself that she is right, you know?”

“Ray,” I whisper, cupping her cheek and making sure she’s looking right at me. “You are strong. And you can look after yourself. You’ve already proven that. But if you need me, I’ll be there in a heartbeat. I’ll fight any battle you need me to. I’ll fight with you.”

I wanted to say I’d fight the battles for her, but I caught myself in the nick of time.

Thank God.

Because it’s true. She needs to know that she’s capable of anything and that I’m not her master or the guy who’s better or stronger than her.

We can beat the odds together.

That’s what I want for us.

I want to protect her just like she’ll protect me.

I want to be her strength just like she’ll be mine.



A day of sex in bed is good for the soul.

I think I already knew that, but it was proven to me yesterday. I don’t even know how many times we did it, but my tender V-jay is telling me to take it easy tonight.

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