Page 17 of The Heart Stealer

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Will he assume I came to see her?

What if he shows up?

I jump off the bed, pacing to the closet and spinning around, fear clutching me so hard and fast, I can’t breathe.

“Hey, it’s okay.” Liam stands, slowly moving toward me like I’m a cornered animal.

I brace my hands on my knees, my body starting to shake as I fight for air.

His soothing hand runs circles over my back. “I won’t let him near you. If he comes here looking, the only thing he’ll find is my fist in his face.”

I wince and glance up at him.

“We’ll keep you safe, okay? No one’s gonna hurt you again. I won’t let that happen. I promise.”

Standing tall, I stare at his honest expression and shake my head. “You don’t even know me. Why would you promise something like that?”

He shrugs. “It’s what I do. I protect all my friends.”

“But we’ve only just met.”

His lips tip up at the sides, and he starts counting on his fingers. “You’re Mikayla’s best friend, which makes you one of mine, you cried on my knee last night, and now you’re standing here in my hockey jersey.”

My lips twitch with an unexpected grin, and now I’m trying to squash a giggle that’s stirring in my belly. “And those are all reasons enough to put you in harm’s way in order to protect me?”

His eyes drink me in, his fingers featherlight as they skim down my cheek. “I don’t need to know someone to protect them. If an asshole tries to hurt an innocent person, I’m gonna do everything I can to stop it.”

And there goes my heart. Melting into a puddle.

Who is this guy?


He’s got the heart of a superhero.

And the body to match.

My eyes skim down to his feet. They’re broad and big, looking mammoth next to my long, narrow toes.

“So please, trust that I won’t let Theo touch you again. If that asshole is dumb enough to show up at Hockey House, he’s gonna wish he was never born.”

I glance up at Liam’s steely expression, his jaw clenching tight as he steps back from me.

“I’ll let you get dressed,” he murmurs, moving to the door.

He pauses just before turning the handle and looks back with a sweet smile.

My lips lift in response, but I can’t think of anything to say as he slips into the hallway.

His words are humming inside me, so strong and sure. Crossing my arms, I grip the edges of his jersey and force myself to take a full breath.

“You’re safe here, Ray,” I whisper. “It’s gonna be okay.”



I walk downstairs, my insides boiling as I picture those bruises on Rachel’s delicate skin.
