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She did want to enjoy this. She wanted to connect with him, and that didn’t have to wait until after the sex. They could connect before, during, and after if she just let herself be open to the experience, if she valued it the way she should.

She took a deep breath, drawing in the scent of his aftershave and memorizing it. He smelled of sandalwood and soap. That aroma drifted around her, clung to her skin, and she loved that she didn’t have to be touching him to inhale him. She let her fingers find the buttons of her blouse. Cool air caressed her skin and she didn’t even mind that her nipples rasped against the confines of her bra. It seemed normal now. When Connor occupied the same room, her body came alive.

She let the shirt hit the floor, and her skirt followed. When she was down to her bra and underwear, she realized her nipples weren’t the only proof that Connor had an effect on her. Her underwear was definitely damp. A flush stole across her body.

“Why did you just blush?”

“I’m a little embarrassed.”

“By your body? You don’t have anything to be embarrassed about. You’re gorgeous.” His eyes lit up and he leaned forward. “Are you embarrassed because those panties are damp? Show me.”

He was going to kill her. She moved forward and he put his hands on her hips. “There, now you can see them. I believe it’s a reasonable response to your touching me there. So it’s really your fault if you think about it.”

He was staring at her. Right there. He was looking at her undies but she felt as if he’d already pulled them off her body and was gazing at her pink parts. He took a deep breath, inhaling through his nose like he was scenting the sweetest bouquet. “My fault? Do you always respond so quickly? I doubt it. That is all for me so I’m going to take the responsibility for those undies. Take them off and your bra. You don’t need either one for the rest of the night.”

He sat back. She’d wanted so badly to have his hands on her. The anticipation was killing her, and she was fairly certain he liked it just that way. A riot of need drowned out her embarrassment. She slipped her bra off. He wanted to see her sex. She would save it for last. She took a long breath as her nipples tightened even further under his gaze. Her skin felt too tight, the room suddenly unbearably warm.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous, Lara. Inside and out. Show me what I really want to see.” He adjusted on the couch, and there was no way to miss the bulge that tented his jeans. Seeing that made it easier for her to let go of her inhibitions.

She hooked her thumbs under the waistband and slowly lowered them, adding them to her little pile of clothes Connor believed she didn’t need.

He watched her intently for a long moment before he patted his thigh, silently instructing her to climb back onto his lap.

“But your jeans . . .”

He grasped her wrist and tugged, tumbling her into his arms. She found herself sitting on his lap, her legs splayed across his. “I didn’t ask you to worry about my laundry. I told you I was in charge and that means obeying me. I want you on my lap. I want your legs spread wide and your body completely vulnerable to me.”

He held her legs open, spreading her with his knees. Cool air hit her slick folds and she shivered at the sensation. She’d never really paid attention to her sensual side, but now with his hands on her skin and his hot breath on her neck, she wanted to drown in it. His denim scraped her backside softly as he trapped her against his body, forcing her back to arch, her breasts to thrust up, and her head to rest on his shoulder. She felt as if he’d put her on display.

His hands began to roam the minute she relaxed against him. “This is what I’ve wanted from the moment I first saw you—you open for me.” As he cupped her breasts in his massive hands, he pressed his hips up, letting her feel how hard he was. “And I definitely wanted to give you this.”

With his cock pressed against her backside, his fingers slipped over her clitoris. Her whole body reacted, her pelvis lifting to those fingers. She’d never felt so hot, like her body wasn’t really solid. She was some silky creature, writhing on Connor’s lap, desperate for some sensation that was just out of reach.

He jerked his hand away. “Don’t try to steal an orgasm from me. You’ll get it when I say you’ll get it. If you try that again, I’ll go to bed and we can start this all over again tomorrow.”

Embarrassment flashed through her system and she started to sit up. “I’m sorry.”

His arms tightened around her. “Don’t go. Give me what I need.”

“I don’t understand. I wasn’t trying to steal anything. It just felt good.”

His chest rose and fell with the force of his breaths. He exhaled a calming sigh. “I need you to let me please you. I’m at the end of my restraint and I’ve allowed you to lead as much as I can right now. Let me take control.”

From Connor it was practically begging. The last thing she wanted was that proud man on his knees.

She relaxed against him, giving herself over completely. No more holding back. No more questions. If she was going to surrender, she would be one hundred percent committed. He’d earned her trust by saving her life more than once. Yes, the feelings developing between them had blossomed quickly, but she didn’t think that taking it slow was the answer. Her connection to him had been instant, unlike the one she’d shared with Tom. Maybe it was time to trust her instincts, and every single one of them said to leap.

“You won’t regret it.” His arms tightened around her as though he was afraid she would flee.

She glanced at him over her shoulder, trying to meet his gaze. “I trust you, Spencer.”

“Connor. I like Connor.” His body had stiffened.

“Connor.” So what if he didn’t like his given name? She’d wanted to use it to be more intimate, but she would honor his wishes. “I trust you, Connor.”

He growled a little and she could have sworn he cursed under his breath, but he dragged his hand down her body, right to that place he’d been playing with before she’d made the mistake. She wasn’t going to make the same one again. When his finger teased at her clitoris, she rested her head against his shoulder again and remained still.

“That’s what I want.” He kissed her earlobe, nibbling on that soft flesh in a way that made her squirm. “You take what I give you. You’re mine. But you’ll find I enjoy making you feel good, princess.”

With his knees, he spread her wider. She stifled a scream of pure pleasure when his finger invaded. Electricity sizzled through her, a jolt of shock that had her bucking with sensation. She hadn’t even realized how much she needed him to fill her.

He kept his thumb on her clitoris while he shoved his thick finger deep inside her.

“You’re so fucking tight. God, I won’t last. I’m going to make sure you’re very satisfied because I’ll come the minute I feel this hot pussy all around me. Tell me what you’re going to do when I fuck you.”

She couldn’t breathe. His finger curled inside her, rubbing a sensitive spot that shot tingles down her legs, up to her nipples. Euphoria bubbled. Somehow he’d known exactly where to find that place deep inside her and he worked it until she felt like a pleasure bomb just waiting to go off. She hadn’t even known such a spot existed.

Connor pressed his thumb down on her little button, exerting the right pressure to keep her on the edge. When she didn’t answer him, he stopped everything. “Tell me, Lara. What are you going to do when my cock is so deep inside your pussy you can’t tell where I end and you begin? What are you going to do? Let go of all your inhibitions. Talk dirty to me. I want it.”

She ached. The pleasure swirled, consuming her, overwhelming her. Her heartbeat roared. She couldn’t stop herself from blurting the first words that flooded her brain. “I’m going to squeeze you so tight, Connor. I’ll clamp down hard and do everything I can to keep your cock inside me because I won’t ever want you to leave.”

“Hmm, princess. I knew you could have a dirty mouth.” His finger moved faster, as though her words spurred him on. “Do you have any idea what that does to me?”

She had a pretty good notion. His hips started to rock against her backside as though he couldn’t stop himself. Captured between his hand and his cock, she felt like she was riding a magnificent beast. She couldn’t control anything so primal. All she could do was hold on and trust him.

“Come for me, princess. Give me what you’ve never given another man in your life,” he growled in her ear.

Her body tightened until she was sure something would burst. Just when she thought she couldn’t take another second, his thumb rubbed with the perfect pressure as his finger thrust deeper. Lara
