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Roman would crucify her. There wouldn’t be any way to stop him, and Connor wasn’t sure he should. He believed in very few people in the world, but Zack Hayes was one of them. He needed to look at her evidence. “I’ll go get it.”

She popped out of her chair. “You can’t do it now.”


“Because Freddy’s place is right next to Mrs. Sullivan, and she calls the police when she sees anyone even walking near his unit. You have to wait until after eleven when she goes to sleep.”

“I can handle her.”

He wanted to see this evidence. He could probably take it apart forty different ways and prove it was bullshit. Once he did and he had her begging his forgiveness, he would take her back and make sure that she could not target Zack Hayes again.

“Please, Connor.”

Something about the way she looked at him made him stop. Just for a second he thought she might be hiding something. He stared, but she simply looked up at him with those clear blue eyes.

“Fine. But I want to see that evidence tonight.”

“Absolutely.” She moved to his side, her hand slipping into his. “I’ll show you anything you want to see. I’ll talk you through everything and if you still have doubts, I’ll listen. I know you admire him, but I want you to see everything we’ve collected with an open mind.”

Never. But being stubborn wouldn’t get him where he needed to be. Everly and Gabe would be here soon. This was a mission, not a relationship, and it never could be a relationship if she intended to spread lies about his friends.

“Of course,” he managed to say.

“You’re angry with me.” She eased closer, pressing her body against his.

Did she think she could control him with sex? One night of orgasms and she thought she was some kind of Mata Hari?

“Make me less angry with you.” If she wanted to misdirect him with sex, he would let her. He would take everything she offered and it wouldn’t change his mind at all. He could fuck her for days and still shut down everything she loved to protect his friends.

The morning hadn’t gone the way he thought it would. He’d had a few hours of something like peace before the world reminded him that everyone had secrets and a dark side, even fairy princesses. Especially the ones willing to do whatever it took to get what they wanted.


He looked down at her. “You heard what I said. Make me less mad.”

“Why are you so angry with me?”

Because it fucking hurts to know that you’re willing to step all over my friends for your own gain. Because you’re just like all the others, a sweet lie.

He couldn’t tell her any of that. “You’ve kept very important facts from me. I can’t do my job if you don’t tell me the truth. I thought you trusted me.”

“I do. I really do, Connor. I’m sorry.” She plastered herself completely against him, raising her head so she could plead with him using those blue eyes.

He almost believed her. “I have to wonder what else you’re keeping from me.”

If he hadn’t been watching her so closely, he would have missed the way her eyes tightened just slightly and she looked to her left when she replied. “Nothing.”

She was lying to him again. He’d felt guilty about deceiving her, and all the while she’d been lying to his face. He hadn’t realized she was playing the game, too.

“Connor, I don’t want to fight with you. I’m crazy about you.” She laid her head against his chest. “I didn’t know you then the way I do now. I hope that you’re getting to know me better, too.”

He wrapped his arms around her. He told himself it was all for show, but she still felt right in his embrace. Chemistry. That was all it was. It made them good together in bed. It did not necessarily make them faithful or loyal lovers. “I think I definitely know you better this morning than I did yesterday.”

“I’ll tell you everything when we have the information in our hands. I promise. After tonight we won’t have any more secrets between us.”

He wasn’t an idiot. Lara was planning something, clearly after eleven p.m. What? And why was she so specific about the timing of his so-called heist?

“All right.” He kissed her softly.

No. Her lying didn’t change their chemistry one ounce. His cock was hard and ready for her. “Kiss me.”

Her lips curled up. “I’m already kissing you.”

“Not where I want you to.”

He’d been her supplicant the night before, giving her every bit of pleasure he could—and more—like a complete idiot. He’d been atoning for sullying the pristine princess. Oh, but now he knew better, and it was time to even the score. Because if she wanted to play the game, he would show her that he was the better player. “On your knees, princess.”

Her eyes widened and he was pleased to see the slightest bit of panic there. She might lie about her plans tonight, but he couldn’t bring himself to believe she’d lied to him in bed. She really hadn’t had much experience. He’d opened a new world to her, and it was going to be his pleasure to show her some of its darker, more twisted delights.


“I told you I would have you wherever and whenever I wanted. I was happy earlier. Now I’m not because you lied to me.”

Yes, he saw the irony of the situation, knew he wasn’t being honest, either. But he was protecting his friends, his country, his president. She was looking to get ahead and make a buck.

“I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell you everything.” She wouldn’t quite meet his eyes. Fuck, she was still lying to him.

It just made what he was about to do all the more easy. Every time she manipulated him or was dishonest, he would take it out on her sweet body. After this shit, distancing himself would be simple. Oh, he still had zero plans to leave her. But instead of the stability and affection he thought she needed to be happy, maybe all she required was sex and a very firm hand. He could give her those.

“You lied by omission and I still want you. Does that tell you anything?”

“I’m sorry.” Her hand went to the fly of his jeans. “I think I understand. You want me to make it up to you.”

She didn’t get it at all, and he needed to shut his mouth. He’d all but blurted that she mattered to him. Clearly, she didn’t grasp that fact. Better for him that she didn’t. Connor certainly didn’t intend to repeat the sentiment.

“I definitely think you should make it up to me.”

Lara bit her plump lower lip. “What if I’m not good at it?”

He cupped her cheeks, forcing her to look him right in the eyes. He refused to allow her to glance away when she answered this question. He would dig the truth out of her if he had to do it with the sharp edge of his tongue. “Are you telling me you’ve never given a man a blow job?”

“I was really sheltered as a kid. I didn’t date very much. I did manage to sleep with one guy in high school, but it was really hurried. Tom and I tried it once, but my teeth scraped him and he accused me of trying to bite him so we didn’t do that again. That’s why I’m worried I’m bad at it. Also, I think I have a small jaw so I might not be able to, you know . . .”

She was drawing him back in because he utterly believed her now. She had untapped sensuality and he intended to free it.

His cock jerked in his jeans, already anticipating the softness of those lips closing around it. “He was a pansy ass and I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about how to suck my cock. By the time we’re done, you’ll be an expert.”

“So I’ll have a new talent to share with the world?” Her voice was light and teasing.

“Never.” He hated the jealous rage that threatened to take over every time she even joked about another man. “Don’t play with me.”

“I’m not. I was just teasing you. I don’t want anyone else.” She stared straight into his eyes, all open and earnest again.

No lies now. Damn, she had his head spinning. Maybe

she didn’t have an agenda of her own. Maybe Freddy had dragged her into some fake conspiracy because she was too naive to see otherwise. If so, Connor vowed to handle the situation and make sure she never got taken again. But if she was the one behind the story, crafting lies because she didn’t like Zack’s policies or some shit, then he would take care of that, too. She would learn never to cross him again.
