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The thought hadn’t occurred to him once. Lara would lie if she thought she had a higher purpose, but . . . “No. Lara wouldn’t cheat. She is, however, the kind of woman who would put her sweet ass in harm’s way for a fucking story. She’s turning, I think toward the Mall. She better be giving Everly a tour.”

“I’m almost in. Be careful.”

“You, too. Keep this line open.” He pulled into a spot and locked down the engine, leaving the helmet on the handlebars. He hustled to get in front of her. She’d stopped and was talking to Everly, gesturing toward the Lincoln Memorial.

The desperate need to spank that pretty ass of hers was riding him hard. She would likely protest so he would have to find another way to punish her for scaring the shit out of him, but he could picture it in his mind. She would cry and beg and he would paddle that sweet flesh until it was a shiny pink and she promised to never, ever lie to him again.

He hit the steps at a run and then found a good place to settle in.

She was meeting her confidential informant. There was no other reason for her clandestine shit. Despite combing through all her correspondence, he’d missed their communication somehow. So had Roman’s people. Deep Throat was here and if he got the idea Lara wasn’t alone, he would take a hike. That served no one’s purpose.

He watched as Everly and Lara started toward the memorial. Everly peeled off before the stairs and took up a position. It was a good one from what he could tell. She was a professional. She’d picked a place where she could see but remain unseen.

They had a good plan, and at least Lara hadn’t come alone. It wouldn’t save either one of them. His cell vibrated. He glanced down.

She’s stopped on Independence Avenue. I think she’s close to the Lincoln Memorial. On my way.

It was good to know he wasn’t the only one who had LoJacked his girlfriend. He quickly texted back.

Do not come in hot. Delicate situation. Silence necessary.

He slid the phone back into his pants before Lara strode up the bank of stairs on which he sat. He kept his head low but watched as she moved by him.

She slowed and for a second he worried she would recognize him. He heard her breath catch before she shot up the stairs. Prey instinct. She knew a predator who intended to eat her when she saw one.

He stood and leaned against the wall. She could run, but she couldn’t hide and he was definitely going to make a meal out of her.

“Goddamn it. I’m going to fucking kill you. Why didn’t you mention this place was owned by a medieval freak? I just nearly got my head taken off by an axe.”

Ah, so Dax had made it inside Freddy’s lair.

“I mentioned he was a paranoid prepper who probably booby-trapped the place,” Connor murmured.

He watched as Lara strode by a couple holding hands. She seemed to pick up the bounce in her step, as though happy she wasn’t alone with the likes of him, but the moment she walked past them, they turned to watch her.

Shit. He wasn’t alone in following her. He hoped like hell Everly was packing. It looked like they might need some firepower. He slumped down. There were homeless people all over D.C. He didn’t even need to talk quietly. Homeless people often had mental issues. It was one of the unfortunate realities that often led to their state.

“I thought you meant he would have trip wires that alerted him to the fact that someone had been in his house. I didn’t realize the fucking wire would trip an ax flying at my head.”

“You never took this business seriously, brother.” He gave his head a couple of light slaps and noticed the couple utterly dismissed him. “Get the package and get out of there.”

“I’m a little worried the package will explode in my face. This dude is insane. Oh, and he’s got a massive hard-on for you. He’s got a wall full of data about Connor Sparks.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.” The couple drifted up a few steps, pretending to take in the majesty of the Mall, but it didn’t look like they were pursuing Lara. When the man turned, he recognized him. Pavel Sopov, the assassin from the park. His associate was a blonde, but Connor didn’t recognize her. She would almost certainly be with the Krylov syndicate. He wished he could take pictures, but that might give him away.

“Holy shit. He’s after Zack. He’s got tons of pictures of Zack on the walls. It looks like he’s been stalking him for months at least, maybe a year or more. What the hell has your girl gotten herself into?”

He couldn’t think now about the fact that Lara seriously believed Zack had killed his own wife.

Of course, he had been down three points in the polls, a little voice whispered. What would a man who had been groomed for one thing all of his life do if it was about to be taken from him?

People had killed for far less.

No. He knew Zack. Connor couldn’t let himself believe Zack had offed Joy for his own gain. “If you’ve got time, take it all. If you don’t, take pictures. We need to know who we’re up against and what he knows. I need to go silent.”


They would keep the line open but quiet until Connor gave the word or Dax needed serious help. Connor stood and started pacing the stairs. The Russians had moved up and seemed to have some sort of listening device.

“??? ???????? ????????.” The woman didn’t even attempt to hide that they were watching Lara.

“??? ?????? ????????? ????. ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ????.” Pavel nodded and took her hand again. He pocketed his device then started back down the stairs.

Why couldn’t jihadists be after Lara? Connor spoke Arabic, Farsi, and Pashto, but not Russian. The couple descended past him. He had to think they were going to wait for her somewhere at the bottom of the stairs where there would be fewer witnesses to what might be anything from a mugging to a murder.

He ambled up the stairs, desperate to get a sight line on Lara. If she slipped past him somehow, she would be walking straight into a trap, and the odds would likely be their two guns to Everly’s one. He needed to get her out of here and fast. If Deep Throat didn’t like that, then he could find someone else’s girl to make his Woodward and Bernstein. Lara was getting out of this business for good.

He was just about to storm the meeting when he stopped behind her.

Lara stood slightly above him, talking to a man dressed like a douche bag college professor who’d watched too much Mad Men.

The only problem with the scenario? It wasn’t Deep Throat—at least not the one Everly had met in New York a few weeks back.

This man was a good four inches shorter and had a slightly stockier build than Everly’s informant. He was also at least ten years younger.

Who the hell was he?

Lara turned and Connor realized the couple had melted into the shadows somewhere on the outskirts of the memorial. He moved to intercept her at the bottom of the steps. Damn, he should have brought Dax with him. He pulled his cell and didn’t bother with texting. He needed Gabe.

Gabe answered and didn’t waste time. “I’m almost there. I have a lock on Everly’s phone.”

He didn’t have to worry about Everly. She probably wasn’t on Pavel’s radar. He doubted she would know who these Russians were, either. “Is Roman with you?”

“I’m here.”

He hustled down the steps. “Get the police here and fast. I’m going to take Lara and run, but we’ve got at least two Russians on our ass and where there’s two . . .”

“There are probably four more. Shit. I’m on it.”

“Dax, I’m taking my woman out of town for the night.” He couldn’t risk leading her back to her place until he was certain it was secure. “Could you hang there and see if we have

any visitors?”

“Sure. It’s been an amazing fucking night. Did I mention that he electroshocked his computer? I can’t feel my left arm.” A long sigh came over the line. “Be careful, brother.”

He traded his phone for his SIG, easing it out of its holster. He stopped at the bottom and waited. He could hear her running. He searched the periphery for any sign of movement. Everly stepped

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