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pushed at him again.

“Look, I don’t know what Roman did, but I’m the one who gave him the power to do it so I’ll be the one to fix it. I admit I have been trying to manipulate you but you don’t fall for any of my tricks so I’ll just say it. I’m sorry. I might have come in with selfish intentions, but everything changed when I got to know the real you. I even had thoughts of trying to shut you down in the beginning, but I understand now and I’ll fight for you. I’ll fight my friends for you. They’re the only family I have, but I’ll risk it for you and you alone.”

That soft spot in Lara’s heart wanted to believe him. But she wasn’t about to fall for the same tricks again. “Well, you tried to destroy my family so I don’t really care about yours. Just get out of my face and out of my life.”

“Lara, c’mon. This isn’t like you. I understand that I’ve put you in a corner and hurt your pride, and you can’t know how sorry I am for doing it. But the Lara I know cares about people and relationships too much to throw them away. Once you’ve had a chance to calm down and think this through, you’ll see that you belong with me.”

“I’ll see that you go to jail if you don’t let me out of here, Connor. I don’t care who your friends are. You can’t force me to stay in this room against my will.”

He paused. “Where are you going?”

“Home. Alone.”

“That’s exactly what the Russians would love to have happen. Then they can take you out easily.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “I don’t believe there are any Russians. You’ve lied about virtually everything. You probably set that up, too, in order to gain my trust.”

“The Russians are real and they’ll try again. I won’t let them hurt you and I won’t let you put yourself in danger. You’re coming with me. If you want to call the cops, feel free. I’ll explain the situation to them. I’ll show them my credentials and have you in protective custody before you can blink.”

“Your credentials?”

“CIA, princess. I’m a high-level operative and I assure you if I want you in custody, I’ll have you there. I would rather not piss you off more than I already have, so please be reasonable.”

She thought it was perfectly reasonable to not want to be in the same space with the lying asshole. It was dangerous. Despite the fact that he’d conned her from the minute they’d met, her body didn’t care. He’d trained her to respond to him, and his nearness made her skin heat. She felt as if her body had a memory of each and every time he’d kissed her, brought her to pleasure. She remembered and wanted him with an ache that was hard to deny.

Hard, but she was going to do it.

“Lara, it doesn’t have to be this way. No matter how we started, what’s between us is real and I won’t let you throw it away. Then again, you might not be able to, or have you forgotten last night?”

She sagged against the wall, the true horror of her situation hitting her. She could be pregnant. An hour ago, she’d wanted to be. Now carrying the child of the man who had deceived her seemed like the worst kind of punishment.

Still, a vision of a baby with Connor’s eyes swamped her.

Lara shoved down her tears. “We don’t know anything, but if I am, you won’t have anything to do with either of us.”

His hands tightened then relaxed, and he took a deep breath, stepping back. “So you’d deprive your child of a father to spite me? I hope the real Lara comes back very soon.”

That stung. “Yeah, well, I have to say I don’t much like the real Connor.”

He shrugged. “Not a lot of people do, princess. Is there any way I can convince you to eat?”

Why did he care? “I’m not hungry.”

He hadn’t reacted at all the way she’d thought he would. She’d expected him to snicker at her or shrug and walk away, maybe even get angry. She’d pushed his buttons just so she could provoke him. She’d actually physically pushed him. He’d still just held her tight.

“Do you want the coffee?” He held it out to her, his eyes steady, and she couldn’t help but think about what it had meant for a poor kid from a trailer park to go to a prep school without the proper clothes. He stood there holding the stupid coffee like he was waiting for her acceptance, and she could see the little boy lurking under the man.

“Only because I’m addicted to caffeine.” She took the brew out of his hand and didn’t miss his grateful smile. “But I’m going to cut down on it. I’m going to kick the habit because it’s bad for me.”

“Not all addictions are bad for you.”

She would have to disagree. “I want to go home.”

“I can watch you better at my place.”

“Or you’re just bored because you’ve already stolen all my secrets, Mr. Spy.”

He picked up the paper and opened the door for her. “Well, then you can steal some of mine. Did you think of that?”

She lifted her chin. “I don’t steal things.”

“I can think of something you’ve stolen.”

Lara rolled her eyes. “Please tell me you didn’t say that. That is so corny if you were talking about your heart.”

He blushed a little. “I told you I was bad at the romance thing.” He stopped her before she could make it out the door. “I don’t want to lose you, Lara.”

“You already did.” She ducked under his arm and stood by the bike.

She drank her coffee in silence. He was furiously texting on his phone. She could only guess he was telling all his friends the game was over and they could go home soon. When she was done with her liquid caffeine, he took the cup and threw it away for her.

He settled the helmet on her head and started to secure the strap. She couldn’t help but notice the lines around his eyes and the careful way he cinched her in.

“Why don’t you take the helmet?”

His eyes met hers. “Because you’re more important. I know you don’t want to touch me, but you have to hold on. If you would rather, I can call a friend to come out and pick us up. It would take an hour or so, but he could bring a car.”

And they would be stuck in that motel room together. No, thanks. She didn’t trust her traitorous body parts to not jump him.

He got on the bike and held out a hand. She ignored it but she wouldn’t be reckless with her safety. She climbed on behind him and wrapped her arms around his lean waist. He fired the engine up and took off.

And she finally let herself cry.


Connor held the elevator open and gestured for Lara to go through. Helpless. He felt completely and utterly helpless. She’d been crying and he wanted to hold her. At least while they’d been on the bike, she’d had to wrap her arms around him. Now that they’d arrived at her place, he felt the loss of her touch. She was always caressing him, putting her hand in his or leaning closer. She was normally a creature of affection. Now she’d totally shut down. He hadn’t realized how much he’d come to rely on her affection.

He could see the red stain to her eyes and it damn near killed him.

“Thank you.” She stepped out and frowned. “Oh, wow. It looks like your friends are here. I guess they all have keys, thanks to you. I suppose I’ll move now that the neighborhood’s gone to hell. Thank god Freddy bugged out or he’d have a heart attack.”

Connor peered down the hall and cursed under his breath. Two men in black suits stood sentry outside Lara’s door. He’d noticed a man outside the lobby, but there were always guys in dark suits in D.C. These two, however, meant one thing and one thing only.

Zack was here.

Damn, Elizabeth had worked fast. When he’d found out what Roman had done, he’d decided to play dirty. The fastest most expedient way to get Lara’s site back online wasn’t to argue with Roman because he only really listened to Zack. And Connor knew the way to reach Zack wasn’t through Roman. No, it was through pretty, blond Elizabeth, his press secretary. The lovely woman had been Zack’s friend for years, but in the last few months C

onnor had noticed Zack watched her like a hungry predator when she wasn’t looking. His stare followed her constantly, and the minute she asked him to do something, the most powerful man in the world tripped over his Prada loafers to get it done.

“I didn’t exactly invite anyone. Well, Dax. You’ll like Dax. He’s been . . .” Maybe he shouldn’t explain how Dax was involved.

Lara stopped, her sneaker tapping. “He’s been what?”
