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The door opened and she was nearly blinded by the lights flashing.

“Lara, do you think the killer was coming after you over your father’s stance on welfare?”

“What was it like staring into the face of a man who wanted to kill you?”

“What were you doing at the bus stop? Planning a protest? Did you stage this danger to bring light to a cause you believe in?”

She whirled around because that last question was ludicrous. “The bus is a better way to travel than private vehicles. Do you know how much gas we would all save if just ten percent more people took the bus to reach their destinations?”

Before she could say another word, she found herself cradled against Connor’s chest, her face nearly buried in his T-shirt.

Then her father stepped in. “Ladies and gentlemen, my daughter was having coffee with her boyfriend on 2nd when she was caught up in a random act of violence. It’s been a long day, and she’s tired. We ask you for some space and privacy so she can rest. The police know more about the incident than we do, but I believe this near tragedy should force us to look at funding for police officers and first responders . . .”

While her father went on, Connor expertly maneuvered her to the front entrance and had her through the door before she could explain her stance on gun control. He walked straight to the bank of elevators. “What floor? Quickly before they decide to follow.”

“I’m on ten.” She looked back out the windows. The reporters surrounded her dad, pointing cameras and microphones in his face. They seemed to be honoring his request to give her privacy—for now. She breathed a sigh of relief . . . before she realized something was wrong. “How did you get in? You need a keycard to have access to the building.”

The elevator doors opened, and he hauled her in. She noticed that the way the ball cap sat on his head obscured his face. He set his duffel at his side, punched the button for ten, and turned to her. “I stole yours. You need to keep it in a better place than loose in your purse.”

“Well, I didn’t expect anyone to try to steal it.”

“Because you’re naive, and I’m convinced of that because you think it’s a good idea to let the fiancé you dumped in on your secrets. Why don’t you just take out a billboard? Put your secret in neon lights.”

It had really been a hell of a day. “It’s my life. I run it the way I want.”

“Not while I’m in charge, you don’t. And you need to relax around me. If your father hadn’t distracted those reporters, there’s no way they would have believed we’re in a relationship. You were stiff. Hell, you barely looked at me. You certainly don’t act like a woman who has an attentive lover.”

Had he not heard a damn word she’d said? “Because I don’t. This is all stupid. It will go away. I’ll hide out in my apartment for a few days and this crap will be behind me. Then you can go back to California and order around all the women you like. And I’m stiff around you because you scare me.”

He was suddenly in her space, and it felt as if all the air had been sucked from the elevator. His chest brushed hers and she couldn’t help but tilt her head up to meet his demanding stare. He was so tall, so big and broad and manly.

“Then I have to make you comfortable around me in case this threat doesn’t go away. You’re stuck with me for a while. We might as well enjoy the time, sweetheart.”

“What does that mean?” The question came out all breathy and come-hithery when she’d really meant it as an intellectual question. Mostly.

“It means follow my lead and we’ll get along nicely. Relax, Lara.” His mouth hovered right over hers, and she felt his hands trail up her shoulders and caress her neck until he cupped her face. “I’ll take care of you.”

“They’ll never buy it.” She couldn’t quite believe she was standing here with him, her heart threatening to pound out of her chest.

“I’ll make them. And I’ll make you believe it, too.” His mouth descended, covering hers.

Connor was so hard. His lips shouldn’t be that soft. But they were, as well as plump and sensual. It had been years since she’d pressed her body to a man’s and felt his dizzying heat seep into her cold bones until she melted into him.

His hands sank into her tresses. “So fucking much hair. It’s going to make me crazy.”

She wasn’t sure how her hair could do that, but then he kissed her again and she couldn’t think about anything beyond the tingles she felt from having his hands and his mouth on her. He was utterly in control and she didn’t care. So much of her sex life up until that moment had been unremarkable. She loved to cuddle, but the actual sex act hadn’t thrilled her or even meant much. She’d certainly never just given over to a man. Her high school boyfriends had been too shy, and Tom had never liked kissing much. Lara hadn’t minded because he’d been a little sloppy.

There was nothing sloppy about Connor. As he backed her against the cool metal wall of the elevator, he seized her in a slow, thorough melding of lips before he kissed his way over her cheeks, her forehead, and even the tip of her nose, as though he could explore her with his mouth.

“Open to me.” His words sizzled along her skin.

The minute she parted her lips the slightest bit, he was on her. His tongue surged in, sliding against hers in a way that made desire spark and her body shiver. Without even thinking about it, she pressed against his until she could feel the masculine part of him thicken against her belly. He didn’t do the gentlemanly thing and pull back. No. Connor actually rubbed himself against her as if he couldn’t wait to get inside her.

She meant to do the ladylike thing and shove him away . . . except her hands seemed to have the same affliction as her nipples. Before Lara realized it, she’d wrapped his lean waist in her grip. Her left leg slid up his right. He gave a gentle tug on her hair and delved deep inside her mouth, his tongue dominating her.

Somewhere in the back of her mind she felt the elevator stop and heard the ding announcing the fact that they’d reached their destination, but it wasn’t until she heard Tom’s voice that she came out of her haze of lust.

“Lara? What the hell is going on?”

She finally found the will to push Connor away, to bring her leg—god, it was practically around his hip now since she’d been humping the man’s thigh—back down to where it should be. She turned and saw not only Tom wearing a look of pure shock on his face, but Kiki grinning beside him.

“So you hired him after all?” She winked. “Good choice.”

Connor picked up his bag. “See, they believe it, sweetheart. I told you I could make them believe it.” He stared at them. “How did you two get in here?”

Kiki stared at him as if she exerted a conscious effort not to drool. “I live on four. Tom left work when he heard about the shooting.”

“Excellent. Well, that was what I needed.” He strode out of the elevator like nothing had happened.

“Lara, what are you doing with that idiot?” Tom asked. “We heard the news and got here as fast as we could. No one would tell us anything. Now we find you making out with the help?”

“I’m highly skilled labor if that helps any.” Connor stepped back into view. “And I’m going to need to talk to both of you. Lara, let’s go. I would prefer to have this conversation in private. Which door do these open?”

He dangled a set of keys in front of her. They were a mishmash held together with a SAVE THE ORCAS key chain. Yep, he’d stolen her keys . . . and she was pretty sure he’d just walked off with all the dignity she had left.


“Excellent. The four of us should go have a talk because you’re about to find out we’re all one happy family. Lara, I hope you have Scotch.”

She shook her head. “No. I have herbal tea.”

“Then we’ll send out for some when we order dinner. Let’s go.” He turned and walked down the hall like he owned the place.

Like good little soldiers, Kiki and Tom followed. Lara thought seriously about d

arting back in the elevator and fleeing the country.

“I’ll find you if you run,” he shouted down the hall.

With a sad sigh, she forced herself to move. And her nipples were hard again. Damn it.

* * *
