Page 34 of Keeping Eveline

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“We don’t need to be here anymore. Let’s go.”

Eveline nodded.

Once this storm had cleared, she wasn’t going to be happy where he’d taken her. He didn’t care though. He needed to keep her safe, and if that meant she stayed in his apartment, then that was what was going to happen.

The numbness from earlier in the day settled deep in her bones. Eveline gazed out the window, but she didn’t see the view. Didn’t notice the buildings whizzing past. Had no idea what direction she was traveling in.

All she could see was the destruction of her apartment. The way her furniture had been ripped apart. Her dishes smashed. The worst thing: her clothes were shredded, and she didn’t even want to think about what was splattered on her nightgown. A shudder rippled down her spine, the image forever imprinted in her mind.

Who would do such a disgusting thing?

What were they even thinking about doing that?

How did no one hear what they were doing?

No way could they have done everything they did without making a noise. No one could overturn furniture without it thumping, and the people below her noticing. Or those next door.


Eveline didn’t want to let her mind travel down that road, but the thought had taken up residence, and she couldn’t let it go.

“My neighbors,” she gasped out loud.

Kyle looked over at her. “What about them?”

“I need to know that they’re all right.” A sense of urgency grew inside of her. “Turn around, I need to go back and make sure they weren’t hurt. Why else would no one have called the police? With everything that had been trashed, how could no one not hear them?”

Kyle kept driving straight ahead. He didn’t even look like he was attempting to turn the car around.

He was ignoring her? Couldn’t he tell that she needed to know that they were all right? That her actions hadn’t caused innocent people to be hurt? Or worse.

“Kyle? Are you deliberately trying to be an ass to me?” Anger was burning away the numbness, and Eveline grasped onto it like a lifeline.

The burn comforted her. She wanted to scream out in frustration at the unfairness of it all. How she wasn’t the one doing the wrong thing, but it looked like she was being made to pay for her boss’s shoddy business practices.

“I heard you, and I’m not. I’ve already asked one of my team to check on your neighbors. I should be getting a call soon.”

As quickly as it fired to life in her, the anger simmered until it was a small ember. “When did you do that?”

No matter the chaos Eveline had been trying to process, how had she not heard him make a call?

“I sent a text to Growler before you came into the bedroom.”


She went back to looking out the window, closing her eyes because her head had started hurting again.

How long would it ache? One minute, she was fine, the next, the little drummer boy who had taken up residence started practicing.

She’d never had a concussion before, and she didn’t want to have one ever again either.

“Is your head hurting?” Ox’s soft words wafted over her.


“We’re almost home,” he said, and a second later, a warm hand rested over hers, which were clasped lightly in her lap.

