Page 37 of Stubborn Heart

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“They’re video game coders,” Emily revealed.

“Wow. That’s different. Both of them?”

My friends nodded excitedly.

“So, are you planning to see them again?” I pressed, feeling like I couldn’t get enough information from them.

Brooke was perpetually happy, so I wasn’t surprised to see the smile on her face. Emily had been so downtrodden recently, but there was no missing the way her face lit up at my question. It was the best feeling in the world to see that. “They want to take us out on a double date tonight,” Brooke shared.

I couldn’t stop myself from returning the happy look. “Oh, I’m so excited for the both of you. I mean, this would be great regardless, but I’m especially happy this is happening for you, Em.”

“Ryan is a distant memory,” she assured me, the confidence dripping from her words. “Clay is already so much better.”

I loved it.

This was what she deserved, what they both deserved.

“That was the one thing I made sure of when we first started talking to them,” Brooke added. “In talking a bit with Cam, I confirmed neither one of them was already in a relationship or married. Though it’s possible he could have been lying, I could tell based on his reaction that he thought it was crazy I’d be asking a question to a guy who was hitting on me the way he had been.”

This was even better news. Granted, they’d just met the guys and didn’t know all there was to know about them, but I thought it was wonderful they were having fun and able to do it together. “I realize it’s kind of early to be thinking like this, but could you imagine if the two of you wound up married to these guys? You’d be sisters-in-law, and you’d be able to spend all the holidays and family gatherings together. How cool would that be?”

“Oh, my gosh. You’re right,” Brooke exclaimed, her cone halfway to her mouth. “I’m so excited for tonight.”

“Me, too,” Emily added. “Last night really turned things around for me in such a big way. I’m so glad it was your birthday, Rhea.”

“I’m happy it worked out for the both of you,” I returned.

Emily sent a lifted brow my way as Brooke asked, “It seemed like things were working out for you last night, too.”

As she popped the last bite of her cone into her mouth, Emily swallowed her final spoonful of ice cream and noted, “Yeah, it looked like you finally warmed up to Wyatt.”

I sighed, settle myself on my favorite stool, and said, “About that.”

There was no missing the warning in my tone. Curiosity and a bit of trepidation washed over their faces. “Uh oh. What happened? You didn’t seem upset about anything last night. In fact, you were the happiest we’d seen you in a long time.”

“Yeah, there’s just one problem,” I revealed.

“What’s that?”

For several long moments, I didn’t speak. My eyes darted back and forth between my friends as I contemplated how to tell them the truth. In the end, I decided it was best to just come right out with it.

“I don’t remember it.”

“What?” Brooke gasped.

“You’re joking!”

Shaking my head, I clarified, “Not everything is a blur, but I don’t remember much. I know we danced, which is crazy enough to think about now. But I can’t remember specifics about any discussions we had.”

Still in a state of disbelief, Brooke queried, “Did you really have that much to drink?”

I shrugged. “Apparently. And I’ve already told myself I’m never drinking again. Evidently, I’ve reached the age where I’m too old for stuff like that.”

“Well, you both seemed friendly with each other,” Emily reasoned . “Actually, it was more than that. You seemed comfortable with one another.”

“And alive,” Brooke chimed in. “I swear, Rhea, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen your face looking so lit up like it was last night.”

This wasn’t helping.
