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That much was true. “Tell me about your country, Rabiya says the beaches are gorgeous.”

He gave her an assessing look before it softened into a smile. “She’s right. Gorgeous white sand and the warm water can be sky blue or navy blue depending on the day.”

“Sounds lovely.” Growing up there was a swimming hole behind the old schoolhouse she would swim early in the morning before anyone else got there to avoid the teasing over her tattered bathing suit and oversized breasts. “Do you miss it?”

“Yes and no. I go back a few times a year and one day it will be my home again.”

The rest of dinner went pretty much the same. She asked a few personal questions and he kept the answers as vague as possible. It was nice but that’s all it was. Despite their chemistry in bed, she didn’t think he really wanted to do the whole date thing. It was painful so she gave him the out he was looking for. “I think I’m ready to turn in. Snowboarding kind of took it out of me.”

The smile he shot her was slow and seductive. “How about a massage?”

Charla smiled at him and let him help her up. They would stick to the bedroom. It was what they did best.

* * *

She had finally given up fighting what was happening between her and Kasim, and it was scary as hell. The man was relentless when it came to pleasing her, giving her several orgasms on the nights they spent together and talking her through them on the nights he couldn’t get away from the office. Phone sex was a delicious new adventure she found she quite enjoyed, at least when it was Kasim’s seductive words in her ear.

Still she tried to keep her distance emotionally, especially after their weekend away because she felt herself slowly being pulled under his spell. And how could she not when he went out of his way to make sure she did? It wasn’t just the sex either, because as good as it was, the times between lovemaking sessions were even better. He actually seemed to give a damn when she spoke, seemed fired up when she disagreed with him and he always asked what she thought about news and current events. She’d pretty much forgotten about his disinterest during their weekend away, because he had more than made up for it.

Despite all that and how her feelings were growing, Charla was still wary as hell. She wasn’t foolish enough to think Kasim’s thinking had changed about her. Maybe he didn’t think she was a gold digger anymore—and that was still a very big maybe—but he didn’t see her as a woman with long-term potential either and she had to remember that. Especially tonight.

Kasim asked her out to dinner and she—like a fool—eagerly accepted because it was the first time since they’d started this thing between them that he’d asked her to go out in public. Charla didn’t think it meant anything, other than the fact that he wanted to keep on sleeping with her.

When the doorbell rang, she slipped into her shoes and went to greet Kasim. She knew they were on borrowed time and intended to enjoy whatever was left. She would deal with the fallout later.

They pulled up in front of one of the most exclusive restaurants in the city, Maurice’s. It was the place for movers, shakers and kingmakers to see and be seen. To form alliances and mergers. Basically to take over the world. With a relieved breath, she stepped from the car with Kasim’s assistance, happy she’d chosen the wine colored sheath and nude stilettos. Plastic smile fixed on her face. “Nice place.”

“I’m glad you approve,” he told her with a hint of amusement and a smile forming on his hot mouth.

Truthfully she didn’t approve. The place was nice with crystal glasses and high quality China, mahogany and cherry wood giving the place a dark sophisticated look. The food was probably delicious but she just wished he would have chosen a place a bit more low key.

They were seated at a table that was pretty much in the center of the restaurant, like a museum exhibit everyone stared at them. Kasim wasn’t at all affected, didn’t even really seem to notice. “So how was your day,” he asked in that sexy accent that she heard in her dreams.

“Pretty good. Busy but good. How about you?” She listened with a polite smile as he told her all about trying to fill out the rest of the shops at his resort.

“I should have thought this through a bit more before I got everything up and running.”

She shrugged. “Not necessarily. Now you’re a known entity and once people know you’re looking you’ll have no shortage of applicants.” Those first six months after her spa opened were tough, but a few high profile clients had spread the word and now her business grew exponentially.

He flashed a smile that didn’t appear all that genuine. “You may be right.”

Charla avoided the temptation to roll her eyes. So much for not being a condescending asshole just like everyone else. Her green eyes looked away, focusing instead on the menu.

“So I’ve been wondering Charla, how were you able to open up your spa? Rabiya tells me you don’t come from money.”

Ah, so that’s what’s bothering him.“A distant relative I didn’t know had died and left me some money. I used it to change my circumstances.” It was the truth, just devoid of details.

“Hmm,” was his only response for a long time, his gaze examining her, searching for what she had no clue. But she could guess.

“You have something you want to say Kasim?”

“No, I—” His words were cut off by the arrival of a long legged blonde with a gleam in her eyes.

“Kasim, what a surprise. I haven’t heard from you in awhile.”

Ah, a former lover.

His gaze was unwavering at first. “No, you haven’t.”
