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She shrugged and stood up, needing distance between them so she could think straight. “Maybe. Maybe not. But does it even matter Kasim? Whether you meant it to come out or not, I know what you think of me so sure I forgive you because that’s what you need.”

“A bit cynical isn’t it?”

“Realistic. You can’t un-hear those words Kasim.”

He sighed in defeat. “I blamed you for the sins of others. I’m sorry.”

Her hard fought control was close to breaking. “You didn’t blame Kasim. You accused, called me names and tried to end my friendship with Rabiya. So I don’t care if you’re sorry or not. It means nothing to me. Now if you don’t mind, I need to take care of some things around here.” Another wave of dizziness crashed over her and she squeezed her eyes tight. Not now. I’ll deal with you as soon as he’s gone. Green eyes opened and settled on him.

“You sure you’re alright?”

She nodded and made her way to the door. “I’m fine. I always am and I don’t need anyone’s help to keep being fine.”

He gave a sharp nod and left, she slammed the door without watching him walk away because she couldn’t. He’d already walked away anyway, and she was only doing what she had to do.

* * *

“Where is she?” Rabiya stormed into Kasim’s office, golden brown eyes blazing angrily down at him, palms flat on his desk.

Kasim signed the contracts that sat before him, set the pen down and his reading glasses beside them before leaning back and looking up at his sister. “Where is who, exactly?”

She growled and smacked her palms so hard on his desk that everything shifted. “Charla, damn you! She called to tell me she was fine and didn’t check in the rest of the week. I came home to tell her all about the new client and she wasn’t there. No one’s seen her. Except you.” She finally dropped down in a chair and sent him an accusing glare.

He laughed. “And what do you think I did? Sent her away for being a naughty girl?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re somehow responsible for her disappearance.”

That hurt more than it should, so much his hand absently went to his chest to rub the spot that ached. “Well I didn’t but thank you for the vote of confidence. I went to see her and she looked like death warmed over, assured me she was fine and I left.”

“That’s all,” she asked suspiciously.

“No, I tried to apologize and she told me in no uncertain terms where I could stick my apology.”

Rabiya smiled at that and seemed to relax at that. “That still doesn’t help me find her. She’s not answering her phone and Jase said she called and told him she’d be out of touch for awhile. I’m worried.”

He could see that much in her eyes. “What would you like me to do?”

“Find her.” Those big brown eyes pleaded with him in a way he hadn’t seen since she was a little girl with glasses and lopsided pigtails.

He couldn’t do that. “Maybe she just went away for awhile.” Neither of them believed that. “Okay fine, she looked bad so why don’t you call around and see if she’s in the hospital?” He hoped she just went away to clear her head and would be back soon.

“Fine,” she growled and snatched her purse off the desk. “Thanks for absolutely nothing, brother.” Then she was gone as quickly as she’d come in, like a whirlwind.

Releasing a long breath he stood, grabbing his coat on the way out. Rabiya! He caught up with her at the elevator. “Wait up. I’m coming with you.”

Three hospitals later and they found her. “Oh thank goodness! I am so relieved,” Rabiya smiled at the nurse and asked for her room number.

“I’m sorry but she specifically requested that no one be let in to see her.” Seeing his sister’s crestfallen face the nurse’s face softened. “It’s nothing serious dear, just severe dehydration and dizziness. She’s only here because she refused to call anyone. Poor thing has no family.”

“She has me! Charla and that mile-wide independence streak.” She pouted and then turned a sugary smile on the nurse. “Can you call her, without giving me her room number, and let me speak to her?”

“Sure thing honey, come over here for privacy.” Rabiya followed the older woman and Kasim let them have their privacy, figuring that whatever was said Charla wouldn’t want him to hear it anyway.

He released a long, frustrated breath and wondered what the hell was wrong with Charla. She’d been sick as a dog the last time he saw her and now she was in the hospital. Something was definitely up. “What’s up kiddo?”

Leaning her head on his shoulder, Rabiya sighed with the weight of the world on her shoulders. “She said she’s fine but that she’s not in the mood for company. Told me she’d see me when she came back home in a day or two.” Looking up, familiar golden eyes pooled with tears. “Something is really wrong Kasim, I just know it.”

“Then all you can do is be there for her. If you’re right, she’ll need you.”

She smiled and reached up, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Thanks brother. When did you get so smart?”

He laughed. “I only bring it out when its really important.”

She bumped her shoulder against him with a laugh. “And of course it’s important because you like Charla,” she teased.

He did and she still didn’t want a thing to do with him. “I do and I have an idea.”

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