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“Yes I know him, he is a former lover of mine Kasim al-Nahyan. Yes I am scared.” She listened and nodded. “Okay I’ll leave the phone on thanks.”

“I don’t know what the hell your game is but I’m not paying you a dime!” He stalked closer until he was close enough to see the tiny flecks of brown mixed in with the gold in her eyes. “You can forget about seeing a dime from me.”

“You are such an arrogant bastard! I never asked you for a damn thing and I certainly shouldn’t have trusted your sister with my secret,” she rubbed her belly in gentle soothing circles which he ignored. “Just get the hell out of here and don’t come back.”

She turned away and he grabbed her arm. “Don’t walk away from me Charla. What do you hope to accomplish with his lie?”

“Let me go!” She yanked harder until he released her and she fell to the ground with a cry. He reached out to her and she scrambled back, green eyes wide with fear. “Go away! Go away! Go the hell away!” Tears streamed down her eyes and he grinned.

“Gotta make sure the operator hears everything, right?”

With a heart wrenching cry she bent over clutched her stomach. “Just go before the police get here.”

“Don’t worry Charla, nothing could keep me here. Absolutely nothing.” He strode back through the back door and to his car, seeing two police cars with flashing lights as he turned the corner. Good riddance.

* * *

“Honey she’s been calling nonstop, you sure you don’t want to talk to her?” Jase gave her a completely sympathetic look that she hated.

Charla didn’t need anyone’s sympathy. She just needed a little help and a lot of space. A whole lot of space from Rabiya who had broken her trust and set her brother to attack her. Okay not attack physically but he’d certainly shown up ready to fight. “I’m not ready to talk to her and right now I’m worrying about myself for a change.” When will you learn girl? The only person you can trust is yourself. Granny was right, when would she learn?

“That baby is her family to—”

“No!” She shook her head, big overgrown curls hung around her shoulders because she didn’t have the energy to flat iron these days. “She’s not family. I am the only family this baby has.” She’d already seen a lawyer and the paperwork was being prepared.

He gave her another of his patent patient sighs. “He’s her brother, what did you think?”

“I thought she’d keep her promise. A mistake I won’t make again.” She pushed her hair back. “I’m sorry to impose on you Jase, it was too much. I’ll be out later today.” Should’ve gotten a hotel anyway. She hadn’t decided yet what to do about her living arrangements but despite everything, she couldn’t leave Rabiya out in the cold.

“Jesus woman will you calm down for one damn minute! I swear you can be exhausting. You can stay here, I don’t mind. I’m just trying to help.”

The anger left her quickly and her shoulders fell. “I know and I’m sorry, but this isn’t easy. You’re doing enough, managing the spa in my absence. Thank you, but I think I will leave.” He wanted to argue again but she held up a hand. “Not because I can’t rely on you but because I’d like us to stay friends and I’m not sure all my baggage and drama would accomplish that.”

He rolled his eyes like the perfect diva. “Oh fine, but stay tonight and let me spoil you.”

She rubbed her belly, happy the doctor had simply told her to “take it easy” before sending her home. “That sounds nice. I’ve never been spoiled before.”

“Well if you were a man I’d really spoil you, but dinner and a back rub will have to do.”

Tears stung her eyes and she squeezed them tight, reluctant to make Jase uncomfortable with her roller coaster emotions. “Thank you, Jase.”

“Aw honey it’s my pleasure.” He patted the wild mane she called hair and winced. “Let’s add a deep condition and flat iron to the schedule.”

She smiled. “Do I look that bad,” she asked as he ran fingers through her long locks.

“Oh honey your hair is great it just needs some TLC.”

Charla laughed, happy she’d found some solace in the middle of her darkest hour. Over dinner they talked about work, the baby and Kasim.

“I cannot believe that! What a pig,” he snarled after hearing what had brought him to the hospital on a weekday afternoon. “Are you done with his sister too?”

Charla sighed because she didn’t know. “She’s a great kid, but Jase I only asked her for one thing. Time to get my shit together and she couldn’t do it.” That had hurt more than the bruised tailbone and the broken heart combined. “I thought we were friends.” Guess I was wrong about that too.

He popped up with a smile. “Let’s forget all that nonsense. You watch some bad reality TV and I’ll whip us up something incredible.”

“I like extra cheese and sauce on my pizza,” she called after him, sending him into a fit of giggles that made her smile.

“Smart ass!”

She laughed again, feeling good in the moment. We’ll be alright, she told the life growing inside her.

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